Former Client Interviews with Texas Law Parole Project

One student will help interview the Parole Project’ former clients about their successes and challenges upon release from prison and prepare a short summary of findings and recommendations for how the project might be able to support current and future clients upon their release from prison.


Parole Project, Mithoff Pro Bono Program

The Parole Project is a student-led internal project of the Richard and Ginni Mithoff Pro Bono Program. Its mission is to prepare parole packets on behalf of incarcerated women in order to provide the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole with information that enables the Board to gain a more holistic, human picture of incarcerated individuals it reviews for parole.

Project Details

Project Start Date

Monday, January 11 through Friday, January 22; students will not be required to work on the MLK Holiday (Monday, January 18)

Approximate hours of work requested
20 hours over 2 weeks
Training and supervision will be provided by Parole Project supervising attorney Prof. Helen Gaebler throughout the project on an as-needed basis
Skills used
Legal research/writing
Project location
727 East Dean Keeton Street, Austin, TX 78705
Number of student volunteers requested
Class year preference
1L, 2L, 3L, LLM
Required skills
Strong research and writing skills required; students with an interest in the criminal legal system are encouraged to apply
To Apply
Register at Eventbrite (link coming soon)