H W. Perry Jr

H W. Perry Jr

  • Associate Professor

Faculty Profile: H W. Perry Jr

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A specialist in constitutional and public law, he is tenured in both the Law School and the Deparatment of Government, teaching law students, Ph.D. students and undergraduates.  His scholarship focuses on Constitutional Law and on legal institutions.  Professor Perry is best-known for his award-winning book Deciding to Decide: Agenda Setting in the United States Supreme Court (Harvard Univesity Press.)  He was one of first scholars to whom U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their clerks granted extensive interviews about internal decision processes in the U.S. Supreme Court.  He is also co-author of Civil Liberties and the Constitution.  He is currently engaged in a study of state Solilcitors General as well as a study examining freedom of speech in a comparative context. He came to Texas in 1994 after teaching at Harvard University and prior to that at Washington University.

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