Molly Brownfield

Molly Brownfield

  • Director, Tarlton Law Library
  • Assistant Dean for Information Services
  • Lecturer

Faculty Profile: Molly Brownfield

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Mary (Molly) Brownfield serves as the Director of the Tarlton Law Library and Assistant Dean for Information Services, after having served as Interim Director and Deputy Director of Tarlton. Molly actually began her academic law library career at the University of Texas School of Law’s Tarlton Law Library as a Tarlton Fellow from 2004-2006. In the years between completing the fellowship and returning to Texas Law in 2017, Molly worked as a law librarian at Rutgers Law School in Newark, NJ, and then at Duke University School of Law in Durham, NC where she was the Head of Reference Services and a Lecturing Fellow. She also spent several years in the private sector – first as the Manager of Library Services at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, and then practicing trademark law with the law firm of Kelly IP, LLP in Washington, DC.

Molly holds a B.A. in French and Comparative Areas Studies from Duke University, a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School, and a Master of Science in Information Studies from the University of Texas School of Information. She is a longtime member of the American Association of Law Libraries.