3rd Graduate Conference on Constitutional Change

December 911, 2024


Monday, December 9, 2024

Welcoming Dinner
Joseph D. Jamail Pavilion | CCJ 2.300

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Susman-Godfrey Atrium

Robin C. Gibbs Atrium

Panel I: Protecting Constitutional Democracy
JON 5.206/207

  1. Willy Rodrigue Ndougou Adda | Cameroon | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Brazil) | Recent Coups d’État in Francophone Black Africa: The Reflection of a Crisis of Constitutional Democracy?
  2. Alan Mauricio Jiménez Díaz | Mexico | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) | Preserving the Core: Constitutional Identity as a Limit on Constitutional Amendments in Latin America
  3. Sfiso Benard Nxumalo | United Kingdom | University of Oxford (UK) | The Sisyphean Struggle: The African Union, Regional Economic Committees and Constitutional Changes
  4. Nickson Mayieka Oira | Kenya | Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy) | Promoting or Limiting Constitutional Democracy: Apex Courts Application of Unamendability Doctrines

Workshop I: The Forms of Constitutional Change
JON 5.206/207

JON 5.206/207

Panel II: Informal Constitutional Change
JON 5.206/207

  1. Nikhil Sanjay-Rekha Adsule | India | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (India) | Dakshayani Velayudhan & the Ethics of Gendered Constitutional Morality
  2. Daniel Gosch | Austria | University of Graz (Austria) | The Ripple Effect: Constitutional Amendments and Their Effects on Statutory Law Interpretation
  3. Maria Kotsoni | Greece | Princeton University (US) | Constitutionalizing Balanced Budget Rules without Constitutional Amendments? Informal Constitutional Change and the Reception of European Fiscal Constraints
  4. Jara Samuel Tura | Ethiopia | Arsi University (Ethiopia) | Amending by Interpretation: The Constitutional Jurisdiction of Ethiopia’s House of Federation Constitutional Jurisdiction as Amending Power

Panel III: The Political Dynamics of Constitutional Change
JON 5.206/207

  1. Hilary Okoeguale | United States | Indiana University (US) | A Quest for Stronger Accountability in Presidential Systems
  2. Pedro Oliveira | Portugal | Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) | The Crisis of Harmonisation of EU Labour Law
  3. Kelvin Vries | Namibia | University of Oxford (UK) | Beyond Rigid Metrics of Rigidity: A Contextual Analysis of Constitutional Amendment in Sub-Saharan Africa


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Robin C. Gibbs Atrium

Panel IV: Constitutional Legitimacy and Constitutional Change
JON 5.206/207

  1. Paz Avila | Ecuador | The University of Texas at Austin (US) | Constitutional Legitimacy in a Land of Constitutional Change
  2. Alexandre Freitas Couto | Brazil | Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) and The University of Texas at Austin (US) | The Legitimacy of Term Limits Evasion in the Americas
  3. Amitpal C. Singh | Canada | Yale University (US) | The Death of Obiter Dicta
  4. Mikołaj Wolanin | Poland | University of Warsaw (Poland); Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | Amending the Constitution by Correcting a Clerical Error

Robin C. Gibbs Atrium

Workshop II: How to Write a Book Proposal
JON 5.206/207

Panel V: The Separation of Powers in Constitutional Change
JON 5.206/207

  1. Diana García Angeles | Mexico | Center for Political and Constitutional Studies (Spain) | Attacks on the Judiciary from the Constitutional Amendment Power: How Can the Constitutional Amendment Power be Limited in Mexico and Why are Eternity Clauses Needed?
  2. Gonzalo Jose Bolio Benitez | Mexico | The University of Chicago (US) | Archeology of the Basic Structure Doctrine: Historical Approach and Application to the Mexican Discourse
  3. Diana Estefania Bernal Villalobos | Mexico | Università di Genova (Italy) and Supreme Court of Mexico | Dialogical Constitutionalism in Mexico’s Family and Right-to-Privacy Law? The Indirect Effect of Counter-Majoritarian Decisions on a State Level
