Become a sponsor and purchase a table
Please note that a portion of your purchase will be tax deductible.
$25,000 Champion for Justice
- Two premier tables for 10 guests each
- Speaking opportunity at podium
- Opportunity to host event speakers at tables
- Opportunity to host a student at tables
- Listing in invitation and all event materials
- All guests invited to reception
$10,000 Trailblazer for Justice
- One premier table for 10 guests
- Acknowledgement during speaking program
- Opportunity to host a student at table
- Listing in invitation and all event materials
- All guests invited to reception
$5,000 Advocate for Justice
- One preferred table for 10 guests
- Opportunity to host a student at table
- Listing in invitation and all event materials
- All guests invited to reception
$2,500 Ally for Justice
- One half table for 5 guests
- Opportunity to host a student at table
- Listing in invitation and all event materials
- All guests invited to reception
Please contact Susan Harry with any questions regarding sponsorship.