January 12, 2021 | Day 1
Panel 07 — Court-Packing in America: Historical and Experimental Evidence [English]
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Chair: Alexander Hudson, Max Planck Institute
- William Blake, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Joshua Braver, University of Wisconsin
- Amanda Driscoll, Florida State University & Michael J. Nelson, Pennsylvania State University
- Robinson Woodward-Burns, Howard University
Panel 08 — Dilemas do poder judiciário no Brasil [Portuguese/Português]
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Moderação: Ana Cristina Botelho, Tribunal de Contas da União
- Jeison Almeida, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
A Proteção da Dignidade Humana pelas Constituições dos Estados Federados Brasileiros: uma Reflexão a partir do Acórdão Omega do TJUE - Ana Cristina Botelho, Tribunal de Contas da União
Guarda compartilhada da Constituição: mantendo a promessa do constitucionalismo democrático? - Thaiane Cristovam, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Populismo judicial e populismo político. Democracia: de onde viemos e para onde vamos? - Juliana Hoiser, Universidade Federal do Paraná
O poder de dizer a Constituição no Brasil restrito a uma pessoa: as decisões monocráticas no STF vêm afetando a democracia brasileira com a redução do círculo de intérpretes constitucionais - Saul Tourinho Leal, Instituto Brasiliense de Direito
Mediações e Conciliações no Supremo Tribunal Federal
Panel 09 — Judicial Review and Electoral Law in a Global Perspective [English]
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Chair: Richard H. Pildes, NYU School of Law
Discussant: Graziella Romeo, Bocconi University, Milan
- Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University, Milan
The Japanese Supreme Court and the equality of the vote: A careful activism - Cristina Fasone, LUISS University, Rome
The marginal role of European supranational courts in electoral matters: a case of judicial deference? - Irene Spigno, Academia Interamericana de DerechosHumanos, Coahuila
Mexican troubled constitutional history and the consolidation of an effective electoral justice’s system - Emmanuel Voyiakis, London School of Economics and Political Science
What is wrong with gerrymandering?
Panel 10 — The Making and Changing of Law and Constitutions [English]
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Chair: Cornelia Weiss, Independent
- Alexis Blouet, University of Edinburgh
Another Normative Look at Constitution-Making: The Pre-Constituent Power - Nathalia Penha Cardoso de França, PUC/SP
The role of postwar constitutionalism in the consolidation of an international legal common ground - Ming-Sung Kuo, University of Warwick School of Law
Taming the Leviathan Constitution: A Matter of State (Re-)Formation - Juan Justino Paredes, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
Approaches to a metatheory of law - Ilana Rothkopf, University of Notre Dame
Conflict Related Constitutions and Conflict (non)Recurrence - Cornelia Weiss, Independent
The Creation of Constitutions in the German Laender Under Occupation by the U.S. in Post-WWII Occupied Germany
Panel 11 — Populisms, Constitutions and the EU: Case Studies and Trends [English]
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Chair: Giuseppe Martinico, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa
Discussant: Antonia Baraggia, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
- Amélie Jaques-Apke, EuropaNova
- Armen Mazmanyan, American University of Armenia
- Fabio Pacini, Tuscia University, Viterbo
- Nikos Skoutaris, University of East Anglia