The Global Summit 2021

January 1216, 2021

Concurrent Sessions II

January 12, 2021 | Day 1

Panel 07 — Court-Packing in America: Historical and Experimental Evidence [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Alexander Hudson, Max Planck Institute

  1. William Blake, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  2. Joshua Braver, University of Wisconsin
  3. Amanda Driscoll, Florida State University & Michael J. Nelson, Pennsylvania State University
  4. Robinson Woodward-Burns, Howard University

Panel 08Dilemas do poder judiciário no Brasil [Portuguese/Português]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Moderação: Ana Cristina Botelho, Tribunal de Contas da União

  1. Jeison Almeida, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
    A Proteção da Dignidade Humana pelas Constituições dos Estados Federados Brasileiros: uma Reflexão a partir do Acórdão Omega do TJUE
  2. Ana Cristina Botelho, Tribunal de Contas da União
    Guarda compartilhada da Constituição: mantendo a promessa do constitucionalismo democrático?
  3. Thaiane Cristovam, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    Populismo judicial e populismo político. Democracia: de onde viemos e para onde vamos? 
  4. Juliana Hoiser, Universidade Federal do Paraná
    O poder de dizer a Constituição no Brasil restrito a uma pessoa: as decisões monocráticas no STF vêm afetando a democracia brasileira com a redução do círculo de intérpretes constitucionais
  5. Saul Tourinho Leal, Instituto Brasiliense de Direito
    Mediações e Conciliações no Supremo Tribunal Federal

Panel 09 — Judicial Review and Electoral Law in a Global Perspective [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Richard H. Pildes, NYU School of Law

Discussant: Graziella Romeo, Bocconi University, Milan

  1. Elisa Bertolini, Bocconi University, Milan
    The Japanese Supreme Court and the equality of the vote: A careful activism
  2. Cristina Fasone, LUISS University, Rome
    The marginal role of European supranational courts in electoral matters: a case of judicial deference?
  3. Irene Spigno, Academia Interamericana de DerechosHumanos, Coahuila
    Mexican troubled constitutional history and the consolidation of an effective electoral justice’s system
  4. Emmanuel Voyiakis, London School of Economics and Political Science
    What is wrong with gerrymandering?

Panel 10 — The Making and Changing of Law and Constitutions [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Cornelia Weiss, Independent

  1. Alexis Blouet, University of Edinburgh
    Another Normative Look at Constitution-Making: The Pre-Constituent Power
  2. Nathalia Penha Cardoso de França, PUC/SP
    The role of postwar constitutionalism in the consolidation of an international legal common ground
  3. Ming-Sung Kuo, University of Warwick School of Law
    Taming the Leviathan Constitution: A Matter of State (Re-)Formation
  4. Juan Justino Paredes, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
    Approaches to a metatheory of law
  5. Ilana Rothkopf, University of Notre Dame
    Conflict Related Constitutions and Conflict (non)Recurrence
  6. Cornelia Weiss, Independent
    The Creation of Constitutions in the German Laender Under Occupation by the U.S. in Post-WWII Occupied Germany

Panel 11 — Populisms, Constitutions and the EU: Case Studies and Trends [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Giuseppe Martinico, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

Discussant: Antonia Baraggia, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

  1. Amélie Jaques-Apke, EuropaNova
  2. Armen Mazmanyan, American University of Armenia
  3. Fabio Pacini, Tuscia University, Viterbo
  4. Nikos Skoutaris, University of East Anglia

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