The Global Summit 2021

January 1216, 2021

Concurrent Sessions V

January 13, 2021 | Day 2

Panel 18International law, Globalization & Domestic Constitutional Law [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Luz Balaj, University of Prishtina

  1. Luz Balaj, University of Prishtina
    The impact of Venice Commission in constitutional changes in transitional democracies
  2. Gadi Ezra, Tel-Aviv University
    The UN Security Council and The Saga of “Global Legislation”: Can Customary International Law Salvage?
  3. Carl Lebeck, Department of Law, Stockholm University
    National regulation of supranational law: from fundamental rights to democratic influence
  4. Alicia Pastor y Camarasa, University of Louvain
    International constitution-making: insights from the making of the 2014 Tunisian Constitution

Panel 19The China-Hong Kong Relationship: Problems and Prospects [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Cora Chan, University of Hong Kong

  1. Surya Deva, City University of Hong Kong
    National Security Law: How Hong Kong Courts should Learn to Swim with Sharks
  2. Danny Gittings, University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education
    When Separation of Powers Becomes a Political Football
  3. Pui Yin Lo, University of Hong Kong
    Ending with an “annus horribilis”: A preliminary consideration of the Geoffrey Ma Court of the Hong Kong SAR
  4. Kelley Loper, University of Hong Kong
    International human rights law and Hong Kong’s autonomy

Panel 20臺灣憲法財權保障之新發展從司法院大法官解釋與法院實務出發 [Chinese/中文]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

主持人 (Chair):林建志 Chien-Chih Lin , 中央研究院法律學研究所副研究員

  1. 易大為 Dah-Wei Yih,國立政治大學法律學系碩士班

國家處理政黨不當取得財之組織程序保障架構 從政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財處理條例暨司法院釋字第793號解釋出發

  1. 許立儒 Li-Ru Hsu,國立政治大學法律學系碩士班

文化資保存與個人財權之拉鋸 以法院實務為中心

  1. 廖凡懿 Fan-Yi Liao,國立政治大學法律學系碩士班


  1. 董芃旻 Peng-Min Tung, 國立政治大學法律學系碩士班


Panel 21Indonesia’s Democratic Decay under President Joko Widodo: Sliding Back Towards ‘New Order’ Authoritarian Values? [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Yassar Aulia, Padjadjaran University

  1. Yassar Aulia, Padjadjaran University
    A Constitutional Crisis Brewing? Indonesian National Police and its Constant Disregard towards Constitutionalism
  2. Muhammad Pasha Nur Fauzan, Padjadjaran University
    Indonesia National Armed Forces as an Encouraging Factor for Indonesia’s Democratic Decay and the Resurrection of New Order’s Militaristic Value
  3. Sayyidatiihayaa Afra Geubrina Raseukiy, Padjadjaran University
    Constitutional Rot in Indonesia: Stretching the Limits of Executive Power
  4. Puspita Nur Suciati, Padjadjaran University
    Repressive Developmentalism in Indonesia: Déjà vu?

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