The Global Summit 2021

January 1216, 2021

Concurrent Sessions VI

January 13, 2021 | Day 2

Panel 22Reconsidering Freedom of Speech in a Digital, Viral World [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Jurij Toplak, Alma Mater Europaea and University of Maribor

  1. Mary Anne Franks, University of Miami School of Law
  2. Janny Leung, The University of Hong Kong
  3. Mark Rush, Washington and Lee University
  4. Olivier Sylvain, Fordham University Law School

Panel 23Comparative Constitutionalism [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Bruno Cunha, University of São Paulo / University of Michigan Law School

  1. Bruno Cunha, University of São Paulo / University of Michigan Law School
    The Court and the world: how the United States Supreme Court shapes constitutional adjudication abroad – the case of Brazil.
  2. Ricardo Cunha, JUSGOV / Law School UMinho
    The growing relevance of the Comparative Constitutional Argument
  3. Petros-Orestis Katsoulas, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
    Migration of constitutional ideas and judicial dialogue: towards the consolidation of a liberal constitutionalism
  4. Julian R. Murphy, University of Melbourne, School of Law
    Constitutional Statutes – Global constitutional convergence or context-specific normativity?

Panel 24Minorities, Equality & Divided Societies [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Maja Sahadžić, University of Antwerp

  1. Isabel Meireles, Maastricht University
    The use of ceramic frogs as a discriminatory practice against Roma communities in Portugal
  2. Chung Nguyen, National Academy of Public Administration, Vietnam
    Integrity of court system in Vietnamese women’s land inheritance disputes.
  3. Maja Sahadžić, University of Antwerp
    Ethno-Territorial Politics and Sub-National Constitutionalism
  4. Rosemary Salomone, St. John’s University School of Law
    In Search of Transformative Justice: The South African Constitutional Court and the Right to Education in the Language of One’s Choice
  5. Aditi Sheth, National Law School of India University
    Indian Citizenship Law – Cracks Deeper than the Citizenship Amendment Act

Panel 25Interpretation of Constitutional Rights [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Ioanna Tourkochoriti, National University of Ireland, Galway, School of Law

  1. Rehan Abeyratne, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law
    Strategic Cosmopolitanism
  2. Priya Ahsan, Dr Kamal Hossain and Associates
    Right to Health under the shadow of Right to Life – Bangladesh context
  3. Chao-Chin Chan, Georg-August-University Göttingen
    The Development of Human Dignity as one important of the Features of the Constitutionalism in Taiwan: Focus on the Interpretations of Justice-Yuan
  4. Pablo Lerner, Zefat Academic College
    Towards a new legal status of non-human animals
  5. Marcelo Lozada, Externado University
    Climate Policy framed as Constitutional concerns: A blend of Public Law at the heart of Climate litigation in Latin America
  6. Nikhil Purohit, National Law School of India University, Bangalore
    Hate Speech in India: A Discrimination Law Perspective

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