The Global Summit 2021

January 1216, 2021

Concurrent Sessions XVI

January 15, 2021 | Day 4

Panel 65Judicial Review – Activist Courts [English]

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Chair:  Bruno Camilloto, Federal University of Ouro Preto

  1. Vasu Aggarwal, National Law School of India University
    Manifest Arbitrariness Doctrine
  2. Daan Bijnens, Hasselt University
    Trust is good, control is better?’ The upcoming tendency towards judicial review of the legislative process.
  3. Bruno Camilloto, Federal University of Ouro Preto
    Rule of Law under extreme conditions: the contribution of the Judiciary to the erosion of the Democratic Constitutionalism in Brazil
  4. Dhruv Sanghavi, University of Amsterdam
    Hamilton’s Prophecy: How Judicial Activism Can Morph Into Overreach and Corruption
  5. Mohammed Wattad, Zefat Academic College, School of Law
    The Judicial Branch in Israel

Panel 66Constitutional & Democratic Retrogression [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Aeyal Gross, Tel Aviv University

  1. Laura-Stella Enonchong, De Montfort University
    ‘Timorous Souls’ and ‘Bold Spirits’. Emerging Trends in the Judicial Protection of Democracy in Africa
  2. Haroldo Capelletti Nogiri Filho, UFPR
    Bolsonaro’s government and the danger to democracy: rigging and authoritarianism regarding the appointment of rectors in public universities
  3. Aeyal Gross, Tel Aviv University
    From Transitional Justice to Democratic Backsliding: The  Limits of the Comparative Discussion and the Liberal Model
  4. Haliza Nur Rifdah, Padjadjaran University
    The Plastic Democracy and its Threat to Independent Institutions
  5. Ioannis Tassopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
    Background Principles of Constitutional Law: A Legal Response to Constituent Power?

Panel 67EU and the Relationship Between National and Supra-National Law [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Mónika Márton, University of Pécs

  1. Elad Gil, Hebrew Uninversity
    The Margin of Appreciation as a Foreign Relations Law Doctrine
  2. Lynn Hillary, Open University of the Netherlands
    Loyalty as a General Principle of EU Law
  3. Mónika Márton, University of Pécs
    European Legal Tradition and the (Hidden) Discretionary Powers of Member States
  4. Daniel Castro Neves, European Parliament
    Taxation, representation and constitutional integration: can the European Union elect its own resources?
  5. Nensi Sinanaj, University of Milan
    Socio-economic rights: Balancing vulnerability and state capacity

Panel 68Division of Authority [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair:  Alexandra Flynn, Allard School of Law, UBC

  1. Marie DeCock, Hasselt University; Ghent University
    Inter-municipal cooperation: the division of powers and its difficulties
  2. Alexandra Flynn, Allard School of Law, UBC
    With great(er) power comes great(er) responsibility: Indigenous rights and municipal autonomy under Canada’s constitution
  3. Gaurav Mukherjee, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna
    The Capital City In Comparative Constitutional Law And Theory
  4. Wade Wright, Faculty of Law, Western University
    Neglecting Overlapping Federal and Provincial Jurisdiction: Canada as Case Study
  5. Zhaosong XU, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
    Independent Commander in Chief:  Evaluating the Unbundled Executive Theory with the Chinese Case

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Return to Day 4 | Day 5