January 15, 2021 | Day 4
Panel 75 — Il nesso tra federalismo e costituzionalismo in una prospettiva comparata [Italian/Italiano]
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Chair: Vito Breda, University of Southern Queensland
- Arianna Carminati, University of Brescia
Dare voce al pluralismo territoriale frenando il procedimento legislativo: la soluzione del EVEL nella procedura parlamentare di Westminster - Matteo Frau, University of Brescia
“Constitutional compact” e maggioranza concorrente nel costituzionalismo contemporaneo - Alessandro Lauro, University of Venice and Univeristy of Paris 2
Innesti regionalisti nello Stato unitario: l’esempio francese - Elisa Tira, University eCampus
L’autonomia regionale tra opposte spinte alla differenziazione e all’armonizzazione: il caso spagnolo
Panel 76 — Stare Decisis, Justice, and the Rule of Law [English]
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Chair: Andrea Pin, University of Padua
- Lisa Burton Crawford, University of New South Wales Faculty of Law
[Paper co-authored with Dan Meagher, Deakin University] - Marc DeGirolami, St. John’s University School of Law
- Jeffrey Pojanowski, Notre Dame Law School
- Leonid Sirota, Auckland University of Technology
Panel 77 — Diálogo judicial en el razonamiento de las cortes constitucionales y cortes supremas en América Latina – una investigación empírica [Spanish/Español]
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Chair: Juan C. Herrera, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
- Alejandro Chehtman, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
- Magdalena Correa, Universidad Externado de Colombia
- Marie- Christine Fuchs, KAS
- Roberto Niembro, ITAM
- Pablo Gonzalez, Universidad Panamericana
Panel 78 — The impact of artificial intelligence to the democracy [English]
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Chair: Nóra Chronowski, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies
Discussant: Gábor Kecskés, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies
- Gergely G. Karácsony, Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Constitutional Law
- Tamás Klein, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
- Erica Palmerini, Dirpolis Institute, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
- Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Eotvos Loránd University
Panel 79 — Environmentalism and Constitutionalism [English]
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Chair: James May, Widener University Delaware School of Law
Discussant: Erin Daly, Widener University Delaware School of Law
- Sam Adelman, University of Warwick School of Law in England
- John Knox, Wake Forest University School of Law
- Danika Littlechild, Carleton University Department of Law and Legal Studies
- Francisca Pou Gimenez, ITAM Department of Law