The Global Summit 2021

January 1216, 2021

Concurrent Sessions XVIII

January 15, 2021 | Day 4


Panel 75Il nesso tra federalismo e costituzionalismo in una prospettiva comparata [Italian/Italiano]

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Chair: Vito Breda, University of Southern Queensland

  1. Arianna Carminati, University of Brescia
    Dare voce al pluralismo territoriale frenando il procedimento legislativo: la soluzione del EVEL nella procedura parlamentare di Westminster
  2. Matteo Frau, University of Brescia
    “Constitutional compact” e maggioranza concorrente nel costituzionalismo contemporaneo
  3. Alessandro Lauro, University of Venice and Univeristy of Paris 2
    Innesti regionalisti nello Stato unitario: l’esempio francese
  4. Elisa Tira, University eCampus
    L’autonomia regionale tra opposte spinte alla differenziazione e all’armonizzazione: il caso spagnolo

Panel 76Stare Decisis, Justice, and the Rule of Law [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Andrea Pin, University of Padua

  1. Lisa Burton Crawford, University of New South Wales Faculty of Law
    [Paper co-authored with Dan Meagher, Deakin University]
  2. Marc DeGirolami, St. John’s University School of Law
  3. Jeffrey Pojanowski, Notre Dame Law School
  4. Leonid Sirota, Auckland University of Technology

Panel 77Diálogo judicial en el razonamiento de las cortes constitucionales y cortes supremas en América Latina – una investigación empírica [Spanish/Español]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Juan C. Herrera, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá

  1. Alejandro Chehtman, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
  2. Magdalena Correa, Universidad Externado de Colombia
  3. Marie- Christine Fuchs, KAS
  4. Roberto Niembro, ITAM
  5. Pablo Gonzalez, Universidad Panamericana

Panel 78The impact of artificial intelligence to the democracy [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: Nóra Chronowski, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies

Discussant: Gábor Kecskés, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies

  1. Gergely G. Karácsony, Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Constitutional Law
  2. Tamás Klein, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
  3. Erica Palmerini, Dirpolis Institute, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
  4. Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Eotvos Loránd University

Panel 79Environmentalism and Constitutionalism [English]

All are welcome | REGISTER HERE

Chair: James May, Widener University Delaware School of Law

Discussant: Erin Daly, Widener University Delaware School of Law

  1. Sam Adelman, University of Warwick School of Law in England
  2. John Knox, Wake Forest University School of Law
  3. Danika Littlechild, Carleton University Department of Law and Legal Studies
  4. Francisca Pou Gimenez, ITAM Department of Law

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