2018 Younger Scholars Forum in Comparative Law

XXth International Congress 2018, International Academy of Comparative Law July 25, 2018 Fukuoka, Japan

The Congress

The IACL hosts a General Congress of Comparative Law every four years. It is the premiere gathering for scholars of comparative law. It is a “General” Congress because scholars of all fields attend and participate in Workshops on specific subjects that span the broad range of private and public law.

The Younger Scholars Forum in Comparative Law

For the first time in its history (the first General Congress was held at The Hague in 1932), the IACL will host a program for younger scholars, defined as those scholars with no more than ten years of tenure-track faculty experience. This includes graduate students as well as post-doctoral fellows, lecturers and visiting affiliates who have yet to secure a continuing faculty appointment.

The Younger Scholars Forum in Comparative Law is chaired and convened by Richard Albert (Canada/USA) along with vice-chairs Luisa Fernanda García López (Colombia) and Maxime St-Hilaire (Canada). The chair is supported by a Program Committee and a Senior Advisory Committee.  The Program Committee is composed of three subcommittees: the Planning & Priorities subcommittee, co-chaired by Cora Chan (China) and Yaniv Roznai (Israel); the Information & Recruitment subcommittee, co-chaired by Cristina Fasone (Italy) and Daniel Wunder Hachem (Brazil); and the Communications & Technology subcommittee, chaired by John Haskell (United Kingdom).


Each Workshop will be conducted as a discussion group structured around accepted papers. Each Workshop will feature two Moderators and a Distinguished Provocateur-Discussant. The moderators will select participants for a wide-ranging discussion that will run for the duration of the three-hour session. The Distinguished Provocateur-Discussant will comment on remarks made by participants, draw connections among the points made by the participants, seed the discussion with new points and questions, as well as challenge, reinforce and/or complicate the comments made by the participants. Discussions will be conducted in both English and French.


For questions about the Workshops, please contact Program Committee vice-chairs Luisa Fernanda García López (Colombia) or Maxime St-Hilaire (Canada).

For questions about the Speakers’ Corner, please contact the Director John Haskell (United Kingdom).

For questions about the IACL, please contact Program Committee Chair Richard Albert.