Join The University of Texas School of Law in Launching the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice

Reprinted with permission from El Norte
February 10-11, 2005
Working Borders: Linking Debates About Insourcing and
Outsourcing of Capital and Labor
Archived Webcast: The conference can be viewed as
streaming video by selecting the video links on the
Schedule page.
(Note: Webcast requires
Windows Media Player
to view)
The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice at The University of Texas School of Law is pleased to announce its inaugural conference, "Working Borders." This conference is the first of its kind to relate the growing public debates over "outsourcing" – the movement of "American" jobs and capital overseas – to "insourcing" – the migration of workers into the U.S. Practitioners, policymakers, activists, and academics from a variety of disciplines will consider the underlying concerns that animate today's debates over the global flow of labor and capital by examining various proposals to establish a guest-worker program and to prevent U.S. companies from moving abroad.
Debates about immigration and outsourcing each implicate America's place in a global economy. These debates also implicate ideas about America's identity and about its attitudes toward citizenship, poverty, labor standards, and race relations. As such, commentators will consider the extent to which the cross-border movement of labor and capital is really a new phenomenon, and whether historical examples might inform our thinking about the relationship between insourcing and outsourcing. In addition, commentators will critically examine the perception that the global movement of jobs is a zero-sum game.
Maria Echaveste, Deputy Chief of Staff to President Clinton, and an advocate for the rights of migrant workers, will open the conference with the keynote address on the afternoon of February 10. The daughter of farm workers from Mexico, Echaveste will share her thoughts on insourcing and outsourcing in light of her leading role in coordinating U.S. policy on immigration and labor.
The conference is free and open to the public. All events will be held in the Eidman Courtroom in the Connally Center, The University of Texas School of Law.
Co-sponsored by the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. For more information on the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, please visit: /humanrights/