8:15 am |
Welcome Breakfast
Jamail Pavilion
9:00 am |
Panel I: Executive Power in the Beginning and Beyond
Eidman Courtroom
Chair: Stephen Vladeck (Texas)
- Corey Brettschneider (Brown)
The Presidential Test
- Julian Davis Mortenson (Michigan)
The Founder’s President
- Saikrishna Prakash (Virginia)
From a Fixed, Limited Presidency to a Flexible, Boundless, Living Presidency
- Stephen Skowronek (Yale)
Mobilization, Management and the Modern American Presidency
- Amanda Tyler (Berkeley)
The Imperial Presidency and Executive Detention
10:45am |
11:00 am |
Panel II: The History of Executive Power
Chair: Jeffrey Abramson (Texas)
- Harold Bruff (Colorado)
Executive Power after Obama and Trump
- Mark A. Graber (Maryland)
On Presidential Dictatorship: The Political Construction of Executive Power
- Stephen Griffin (Tulane)
The Rise and Fall of the Unitary Executive
- Laura Kalman (UC Santa Barbara)
I Love Arthur Schlesinger, But . . .
- Christina Kinane (Yale)
Unilateral Inaction: Presidential Policymaking with Vacancies in Appointments
12:45pm |
Jamail Pavilion
2:00pm |
Panel III: Internal Checks on Executive Power
Eidman Courtroom
Chair: Elizabeth Sepper (Texas)
- David Bernstein (George Mason)
Why Hasn’t Trump Been More Aggressive About Asserting Presidential Power?
- Rebecca Ingber (BU)
Lawyering the Imperial Presidency
- Gillian Metzger (Columbia)
The Institutional and Imperial Presidency
- Anne Joseph O’Connell (Stanford)
Acting Leaders in Separation of Powers
3:45pm |
4:15pm |
Panel IV: External Checks on Executive Power
Chair: Jordan Steiker (Texas)
- Josh Blackman (South Texas)
Obstructing Article II
- Curtis Bradley (Duke)
The Failed Transparency Regime for Executive Agreements
- Jennifer Chacon (UCLA)
Imperial Immigration Control
- Brian Kalt (Michigan State)
‘So Carefully Devised and So Vital to Its Perpetuity’: Impeachment and the Imperial Presidency
- Kate Shaw (Cardozo)
Speech, Intent & the President
6:00pm |
End of Day 2