2020-21 Young ITA Writing Competition and Award: “New Voices in International Arbitration”
Background: The Young ITA Writing Competition and Award is a unique opportunity for young professionals to contribute actively to the research of international arbitration and to be recognized as qualified voices in this area, as well as to get involved in the activities of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration.
Eligible Participants: Only Members of Young ITA (including academics, practitioners and students) are eligible to submit their papers to the Young ITA Writing Competition. Membership in Young ITA is free of charge and is limited to persons under 40 years old. To become a member, click here.
Topic: The submitted papers should address issues related to any topic in the field of international commercial or investment arbitration.
Submission Guidelines: The papers must be submitted via email to ita@cailaw.org under subject line “Young ITA Competition” by on or before January 15, 2021. The submitted papers must be original, not submitted or published elsewhere, and have at least 3,500 words and no more than 25,000 words, excluding footnotes. (Competitors may withdraw their papers no later than January 15, 2021, i.e. the submission deadline.)
The papers must be written in English and submitted in Word and PDF format, and comply with a widely used citation standard. The papers may be co-authored. Information about the author(s), including their affiliation (if applicable) and their contact details should be stated on a cover page in a separate document, and not on the paper itself.
Selection of the Winning Paper: The papers shall be judged by two panels. The First Panel shall be comprised of six judges, Young ITA Chairs and an ITA Counsel, who will select the best three or more papers to be submitted to the Second Panel for a final decision. The Second Panel shall consist of three judges, appointed by the Chair of the ITA Advisory Board in consultation with the Chair of the ITA Academic Council, who will select the winning paper.
2020-21 Panels of Judges: For the 2020-21 Young ITA Writing Competition and Award, the following judges will be sitting in the two panels:
(1) In the First Panel: Robert Landicho (Vinson & Elkins LLP, Young ITA Chair); Dr. Crina Baltag (Stockholm University, Young ITA Vice-Chair); Thomas Innes (Steptoe & Johnson UK LLP, Young ITA Thought Leadership Chair); Catherine Bratic (Hogan Lovells US LLP, Young ITA Communications Chair); Karima Sauma (CICA-AmCham Costa Rica, Young ITA Mentorship Program Chair); and Cecilia Flores Rueda (Counsel, Institute for Transnational Arbitration).
(2) In the Second Panel: Alan R. Crain (Crain Arbitration); Prof. Tomoko Ishikawa (Nagoya University); and Prof. (Munir) A F M Maniruzzaman (University of Portsmouth).
Prize: The Competition winner will be announced no later than May 1, 2021 and will receive a prize of USD $3,000, selected books published by Wolters Kluwer and up to USD $1,500 reimbursement for reasonable expenses to travel to Austin to receive the award at the ITA Workshop and Annual Meeting in June. The winning paper will be published in the ITA journal ITA in Review.
For questions, please contact Thomas Innes, Young ITA Thought Leadership Chair using the subject line “Young ITA Competition”.
The Young ITA Writing Competition and Award “New Voices in International Arbitration” is organized with the support of Wolters Kluwer.