Meet with us!

The Justice Center staff is happy to meet with law students to answer questions about our programs, law school, classes, and careers. We want to get to know you! Here’s the best way to set up a meeting with each of us, along with possible topics for conversation:

Helen Gaebler, Senior Research Attorney – email with three meeting times that work for you (child welfare, fair housing, criminal justice reform, community engagement, UT interdisciplinary opportunities, careers in government lawyering)

Cassie Geiken, Parole Fellow, Parole Project, Mithoff Pro Bono Program email to set up a meeting (parole and reentry, working with incarcerated individuals, impact litigation, public interest student experiences)

Rhiannon Hamam, Supervising Attorney, Mithoff Pro Bono Programemail to schedule an appointment (pro bono opportunities for students and new lawyers, public interest student experiences, public defender and criminal defense careers, working with incarcerated or otherwise marginalized clients, legal media)

Eden Harrington, Associate Dean for Experiential Educationemail to set up a meeting (support in the law school for public service, experiential courses including clinics and internships, dual degrees)

Andrea Marsh, Director, Mithoff Pro Bono Program – email to schedule an appointment (pro bono opportunities for students and new lawyers; expanding access to legal services; improving public defense systems; criminal justice reform; entrepreneurship, new program development, and nonprofit management)

Sarah Sedgwick, Senior Administrative Program Coordinator, Mithoff Pro Bono Program – email  with questions (pro bono pledge, projects, and reporting pro bono hours)

Nicole Simmons, Director, Justice Center; Clinical Professor – email to schedule a meeting (Justice Center funding and student support, navigating law school, nonprofit and government internships)

Liza Soria, Senior Administrative Program Coordinator, Justice Centeremail with questions (fellowships, scholarships, Justice Center events, and other inquiries)