Alumni Search and Connect

The Justice Center has created profiles of many of the students it has supported, including information about current work, career path, and law school activities. The profiles can be sorted by practice area on this page.

Users can also search profiles with the site search function by using keyword “directory,” plus the topic of interest. For example, a user could search for those who have worked in New York by entering “directory, New York”.

These profiles represent a subset of alumni who have worked for the public good. The Career Services Office maintains a larger database.

Connect with our public interest alumni.

Photo of Ashley Alcantara
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Hannah Alexander
Employment / Labor, Government, Policy / Legislative
Jill Applegate
Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship
photo of Roya Atashi
Domestic Violence / Family
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Photo of Alejandra Avila
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Marissa Balonon-Rosen
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Abby Anna Batko-Taylor
Immigration / International Human Rights, Legal Aid
Bronwyn Blake
Domestic Violence / Family
Judicial Clerkship
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Photo of Fabi Casas
Immigration / International Human Rights
Jessica Cassidy
Technology Access / Privacy / Security
Kelsey Chapple
Employment / Labor, Judicial Clerkship, Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights
Photo of Jessica Cisneros
Immigration / International Human Rights
Children / Youth, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Disability / Health / Education
Kali Cohn
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Photo of Anthony Collier
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Government
Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Environment / Animal Defense, Legal Aid, Employment / Labor
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Michael O'Keefe Cowles
Employment / Labor, Government
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Hensleigh Crowell
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship, Immigration / International Human Rights
Consumer / Economic Justice, Immigration / International Human Rights
Immigration / International Human Rights
Photo of Kiah DeBolt
Domestic Violence / Family, Disability / Health / Education
Paul DiBlasi
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Karly Dixon
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Policy / Legislative
Whitney Drake
Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Paige Duggins
Disability / Health / Education, Judicial Clerkship
Disability / Health / Education
Photo of Elizabeth Esser-Stuart
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship
Parisa Fatehi-Weeks
Community Development / Housing, Judicial Clerkship, Technology Access / Privacy / Security
Camille Fenton
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship
Amelia Ruiz Fischer
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Employment / Labor, Immigration / International Human Rights
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Government
Amelia Friedman
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Community Development / Housing, Judicial Clerkship, Immigration / International Human Rights
Erin Gaines
Community Development / Housing, Environment / Animal Defense, Judicial Clerkship, Legal Aid
Photo of Araceli Garcia
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Immigration / International Human Rights
Nora Gay
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Legal Aid
David Giannaula
Consumer / Economic Justice, Government, Employment / Labor
Judicial Clerkship, Immigration / International Human Rights
photo of Alyssa Gordon
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship
photo of McKenzie Green
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Photo of Jess Hallam
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Disability / Health / Education, Employment / Labor
Rhiannon Hamam
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Photo of Wesley Hartman
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Disability / Health / Education, Legal Aid
Daniel Hatoum
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Whitney Hill
Children / Youth, Government, Disability / Health / Education
Photo of Kelly Hogue
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Shirley Horng
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid, Consumer / Economic Justice
Thaisa Howorth
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Aron Israelite
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship
Noorulanne Jan
Environment / Animal Defense
Anjela Jenkins
Children / Youth, Disability / Health / Education, Immigration / International Human Rights
Sarah Mae Jennings
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
photo of Jessica Johnson
Domestic Violence / Family, Legal Aid, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Legal Aid
Brett Kaufman
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Judicial Clerkship, Technology Access / Privacy / Security
Domestic Violence / Family, Children / Youth
Community Development / Housing
Lawson Konvalinka
Community Development / Housing, Consumer / Economic Justice, Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship, Legal Aid
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Immigration / International Human Rights, Children / Youth
Chris Larson
Employment / Labor, Judicial Clerkship
Marissa Latta
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Children / Youth, Domestic Violence / Family
Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
Immigration / International Human Rights
Photo of Thomas Linney
Environment / Animal Defense
photo of Taylor Loynd
Children / Youth, Disability / Health / Education, Legal Aid
Simon Lu
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Caitlin Machell
Disability / Health / Education, Legal Aid
Rosann Mariappuram
Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights
photo of Jamie McClintock
Environment / Animal Defense, Judicial Clerkship
Cassandra McCrae
Environment / Animal Defense, Judicial Clerkship
Catherine McCulloch
Children / Youth, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Paul McDaniel
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Domestic Violence / Family
Sofia Meissner
Immigration / International Human Rights, Legal Aid
Andrea Meza
Immigration / International Human Rights
Colleen Mulholland
Employment / Labor, Disability / Health / Education
Children / Youth, Domestic Violence / Family
Photo of Mary Murphy
Children / Youth, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Photo of Natalie Neill
Consumer / Economic Justice, Government
Christine Nishimura
Disability / Health / Education
Photo of Kendall Williams
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Employment / Labor
Luis Ortiz
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Meredith Shytles Parekh
Children / Youth, Disability / Health / Education, Domestic Violence / Family
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Safa Peera
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Photo of Zoraima Perez
Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights
Briana Perez
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Immigration / International Human Rights
Jordan Pollock
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Immigration / International Human Rights
Brian Quillen
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Disability / Health / Education, Employment / Labor, Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights
Immigration / International Human Rights
Photo of Mary Chisolm Rios
Judicial Clerkship, Legal Aid, Domestic Violence / Family
photo of Carolina Rivera
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Photo of Anna Roberson
Immigration / International Human Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Photo of Adriana Rodriguez
Domestic Violence / Family, Legal Aid, Employment / Labor, Government
Claire Rodriguez
Employment / Labor, Government
photo of Leah Rodriguez
Immigration / International Human Rights, Legal Aid
Lochlin Rosen
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Ruth Rosenthal
Children / Youth, Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Policy / Legislative
Kathrine Russell
Children / Youth, Immigration / International Human Rights
Cristian Sanchez
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Immigration / International Human Rights
Elizabeth Schmelzel
Immigration / International Human Rights
Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights, Judicial Clerkship
Photo of Kristin Schulz
Immigration / International Human Rights, Government
Terry Schuster
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Policy / Legislative
Photo of Patrick Sellars
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Meghan Shapiro
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Judicial Clerkship
Megan Sheffield
Immigration / International Human Rights
Photo of Eva Sikes
Community Development / Housing, Legal Aid
Lisa Philip
Disability / Health / Education, Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Tyler Somes
Employment / Labor
Melissa Sopher
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Coco Sprague
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Alex Stamm
Community Development / Housing, Judicial Clerkship, Legal Aid
Photo of Ashley Steele
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Employment / Labor, Government
Kyle Marie Stock
Children / Youth, Disability / Health / Education, Policy / Legislative, Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights, Government
Photo of Carly Stuart-Micocci
Domestic Violence / Family, Children / Youth, Government
photo of Emily Guzman Sufrin
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Stephanie Taylor
Immigration / International Human Rights
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Photo of Elena Thompson
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Women’s Rights / Reproductive Rights
Immigration / International Human Rights
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Disability / Health / Education
Stephanie Trinh
Community Development / Housing, Government
John Tustin
Environment / Animal Defense, Government, Judicial Clerkship
Photo of Brendan Van Winkle
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
photo of Sally Vandenberg
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Amber VanSchuyver
Domestic Violence / Family, Legal Aid
Photo of Susannah Volpe
Immigration / International Human Rights
photo of Madeline Waddell
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Josh Wagner
Immigration / International Human Rights
Elizabeth Wagoner
Employment / Labor
photo of Becky Walker
Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights, Domestic Violence / Family
Photo of Keegan Warren-Clem
Disability / Health / Education, Legal Aid
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Government, Environment / Animal Defense
photo of Samantha Westrum
Criminal Law / Post-Conviction, Civil Rights / LGBTQ+ Rights
Spencer Wilson
Consumer / Economic Justice, Employment / Labor
Immigration / International Human Rights