Kevin Trahan

Scholar Criminal Law / Post-Conviction
Class of 2020

Kevin Trahan is a staff attorney at the Texas Defender Service in Austin. He started his work there as a fellow funded by a G. Rollie White Trust Fellowship in Public Interest Law, a Texas Law postgraduate fellowship administered by the Justice Center. He represents people sentenced to death in Texas in post-conviction proceedings and collects information to identify successful mitigation presentations in capital trials in Texas.

At Texas Law, Kevin was president of the Human Rights Law Society and helped lead the Mithoff Pro Bono Program’s 2019 winter break trip to south Texas. He participated in the Civil Rights Clinic, Capital Punishment Clinic, and Criminal Defense Clinic, and spent his summers working with the UN Criminal Tribunals in the Hague and the Southern Poverty Law Center in New Orleans. In Austin, he interned with the Capital Habeas Unit of the Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Texas, the Office of Capital and Forensic Writs, and the Lone Star Justice Alliance.