After the Storm: Building Resilient and Equitable Communities
Now that the floodwaters have receded, the communities ravaged by Hurricane Harvey are beginning the long, hard road of rebuilding. Historically underserved populations—including low-income persons of color—face especially daunting challenges. What needs to be done to help the most vulnerable survivors rebuild their lives? How can we protect all residents from future flooding and exposure to other hazards? And what lessons have we learned from prior disasters to ensure that disaster recovery funds are spent more equitably and effectively? Join us for a conversation on these questions and more, as we discuss how to build resilient and equitable communities after Hurricane Harvey.
The event is free and includes lunch. Seating is limited and an RSVP is required
Rebecca Elliott | Reporter
Houston Chronicle
Tom McCasland | Director
Housing and Community Development Department
City of Houston
Chrishelle Palay | Houston Co-Director
Texas Housers
Dr. Sharon Van Zandt | Professor
Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center
Texas A & M University
Heather K. Way | Clinical Professor
Director, Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic
The University of Texas at Austin | School of Law
Presented by the UT Opportunity Forum
Cosponsored by
Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis
William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs
Longhorn Center for Community Engagement
Graduate Program in Community and Regional Planning
School of Nursing Center for Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research in Self-Management Science