Change It Up! 2017
Location: TNH 2.140
12:30-1:10 | Check-in outside TNH 2.140 and lunch Optional small group lunches with returning students; students who are in class until 1 may take their lunches into the event. |
1:15 | Welcome and Keynote – TNH. 2.140
2:15 | Break |
2:25 | Paths and Models – TNH. 2.140 Returning students and alumni who work in various fields will discuss their paths through law school and explore how lawyers across sectors of practice (non-profit, government, firms) participate in social change lawyering.
Closing – Camille Fenton, 2L |
3:30 | Networking Reception – TNH. 2.140 Hallway Join returning students, alumni, faculty and staff for snacks and conversation in the hallway outside the event venue |
4:15 – ? | Student Happy Hour at Haymaker, 2310 Manor Road Cosponsored by Getting Radical in the South (GRITS), the Human Rights Law Society (HRLS), and the Public Interest Law Association (PILA) |
Additional Conference Information:
Click here to register by Friday, September 8th.
Contact Information:
Rachel Sidopulos (Center Administrator/Event Organizer)
rsidopulos@law.utexas.edu / (512)232-6277
Cosponosored by:
Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights, Capital Punishment Center, and the Career Services Office
Student Organization Cosponsors:
Getting Radical in the South (GRITS), the Human Rights Law Society (HRLS), and the Public Interest Law Association (PILA)