A Discussion with Professor Jocelyn Simonson, Author of Radical Acts of Justice
Join law professors Jocelyn Simonson and Katy Dyer as they discuss Simonson’s new book, Radical Acts of Justice: How Ordinary People are Dismantling Mass Incarceration.
Please RSVP here. Note: The first 25 students to register will receive a signed copy of Radical Acts of Justice.
Cosponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law, the Initiative for Law, Societies, and Justice, and the Criminal Defense Clinic.
Student organization cosponsor: Public Defense Group
About the book:
Radical Acts of Justice tells the stories of ordinary people joining together in collective acts of resistance: paying bail for a stranger, using social media to let the public know what everyday courtroom proceedings are like, making a video about someone’s life for a criminal court judge, presenting a budget proposal to the city council. When people join together to contest received ideas of justice and safety, they challenge the ideas that prosecutions and prisons make us safer; that public officials charged with maintaining “law and order” are carrying out the will of the people; and that justice requires putting people in cages. Through collective action, these groups live out new and more radical ideas of what justice can look like.
A former public defender, Jocelyn Simonson is professor of law at Brooklyn Law School and the leading national authority on community bail funds. Her work has been cited by the Supreme Court and discussed in The Atlantic, the New Yorker, and the Associated Press, and she has written for the New York Times, The Nation, n+1, the Washington Post, and others. Radical Acts of Justice (The New Press) is her first book. She lives in New York City.