Justice Center Student-Alumni Conversation with Rosann Mariappuram ’18, Executive Director, Jane’s Due Process
Location: Via Zoom
Rosann Mariappuram is Executive Director of Jane’s Due Process, a nonprofit that ensures legal representation for pregnant minors in Texas. Immediately after graduating from law school, she was an If/When/How Reproductive Justice Fellow with Surge Reproductive Justice and Legal Voice in Seattle. Read more about Rosann here: https://law.utexas.edu/publicinterest/directory/rosann-mariappuram/
We’ll ask Rosann about how she navigated law school, her subsequent decision to focus on reproductive justice in Texas, what it is like to run a nonprofit organization, and her advice for law students interested in social justice advocacy.
Please RSVP for Zoom link: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rd-iuqTkuGt1xeD-UfDiZmt7pSihLI4QH