Texas Law Student Receives 2015 Baron & Budd Public Interest Summer Fellowship

Hannah Alexander, ’16, a student at the University of Texas School of Law, has been selected to receive a Baron & Budd Public Interest Summer Fellowship for the coming summer. The program provides a $4,250 stipend to work fulltime for at least 10 weeks providing legal services to underrepresented individuals or communities. The fellowship is made possible by a generous gift from the Baron & Budd law firm, which also supports the school-year Baron & Budd Public Interest Scholarship Program. Both programs are administered by the Justice Center.

Alexander will spend the summer at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund in San Antonio. At the Law School, she is involved in the Public Interest Law Association, the TEXAS JOURNAL ON CIVIL LIBERTIES & CIVIL RIGHTS, and Texas Law’s chapter of the American Constitution Society, and has participated in the Immigration Clinic. She is heading up the fall 2015 “Change It Up!” social justice orientation. Last summer she interned with the Texas Civil Rights Project in Austin.

About Baron & Budd: Baron & Budd PC is one of the largest plaintiffs’ firms in the country representing people exposed to toxic substances in their work and living environments. The firm established the Baron & Budd Public Interest Scholarships and Summer Fellowships at the Law School to support students engaged in pro bono and public interest work.