On February 22, 2019, the Institute for Transnational Law in cooperation with the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation sponsored a master class on How to Draft & Negotiate a Wind Energy Lease, with a Look at New Developments in Wind Law. Roderick E. Wetsel (J.D. ’77), a founding partner at the firm of Wetsel, Carmichael, Allen & Lederle, L.L.P. in Sweetwater, Texas, talked about both wind leases and new developments, including legislation on wind, to 50 J.D. and LL.M. students interested in careers in energy law. In 2011, Wetsel co-authored the first treatise on Texas Law Wind with Professor Ernest Smith, Steven DeWolf, and Becky Diffen. He is a frequent speaker on wind energy issues throughout the United States. On April 12th, Wetsel will lead J.D. and LL.M. students on a tour of the Sweetwater Wind Farm, one of the largest wind farms in the world. The master class and the wind tour were made possible by a Networking Grant from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
Energy Leader Teaches Master Class on How to Draft and Negotiate a Wind Energy Lease, with a Look at New Developments in Wind Law