On October 18, 2019, Rod Wetsel, a recognized energy leader, taught a master class on wind energy at The University of Texas School of Law. Wetsel, an adjunct professor at Texas Tech University School of Law, discussed wind energy lease agreements with law students. His talk focused on the following topics: Form of Agreement/Use of Option, The Scope of the Property Subject to the Wind Energy Land Agreement (The Interests at Issue and Potential Resolutions), Purpose of Agreement and Use of Property (What Facilities Go on Whose Lands?, Landowners’ Continued Use of the Property, and Shared Use of Site Resources), Term, Payments (Lump Sum Payment and Periodic Payments), Additional Considerations (Severance of Wind Rights/Income Stream, Federal and State Reporting Requirements, and Issues Raised by Multiple Owners/Severed Rights), Co Location (Shared Facilities, Storage, and Combined Wind/Solar Agreements). The master class was was part of a two-part Wind Law Series that included a tour of the Sweetwater Wind Farm on September 28, 2019. Both events were funded with generous support from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
PDF versions of the PowerPoints used in the master class are available for download here. Questions can be sent to Professor Wetsel at wetsel@wetsel-carmichael.com.