Students receive 2022 G. Rollie White Trust Public Interest Summer Fellowships

Five students at the University of Texas School of Law have been selected to receive G. Rollie White Trust Public Interest Summer Fellowships for the coming summer. The program will provide each fellow with a $6,000 stipend to work full-time for at least 10 weeks providing legal services to underrepresented individuals or communities.

The fellowships are made possible by a generous gift from the G. Rollie White Trust, which also supports the G. Rollie White Public Service Scholarship Program. Both programs are administered at the Law School by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law. The summer fellowships are administered by the Justice Center in conjunction with the law school’s Summer Public Service Program.

The following students will receive 2022 G. Rollie White Trust Public Interest Summer Fellowships:

Ana Cruz ’24 will work with the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C. where she will research and draft motions and meet with clients.

Apurva Gunturu ’24 will work with Global Labor Justice/International Labor Rights Forum, a human rights organization that advances dignity and justice for workers, which is based in Washington, D.C.

Lea Kokenes ’23 will work with Civil Defense Practice of the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem in New York City. She will help provide legal representation to NDS clients facing the collateral civil consequences of contact with the criminal justice and child welfare systems.

Geran Landen ’23 will work with the Alaska Public Defender Agency in Dillingham, Alaska, handling misdemeanor cases with a student practice permit.

Blake Welborn ’23 will work with ACLU of Texas in Houston assisting with litigation and investigating complaints.