Letter on Early Peace Tent Planning

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Jan 14, 1985
Dear Peace Women.
I’m writing you with my new peace typewriter computer. Ellen said
women should provide themselves with good technological instruments
after trying to write on an old beat up typewriter of mine. so.
frillowing that advice I’ve gotten myself somehing ·very nice. But
I do not know how to use it yet so bear with·· me-.- 1 am st i 11 here
in Rome. recuperating from the United States. enjoying the children
and the snow. the first snow there’s been in Rome in 14 years.
Brrrrrr. I hope you are all warm and happy. I am writing you with
the good news that there is a very good project for us to do in
Nairobi. and I hope you will agree. Edith Ballantine has agreed to
try to get us a large room to use as a Peace Center in contiryuation
throughout the whole Forum. It would be staffed and organized by
our group together. hopefully. with some third world women. We would
do both peace practice – including singing and dancing. videos.
visioning etc .• and peace theory – workshops and discussions. and
we could also produce a bulletin. our document presents the
important connection between different kinds of violence. and. I
think the connection between domestic and international violence
is essential at Nairobi. since it seems to be th U. s. position
that~ as Mary Ann read on a right wing poster “peace is a Soviet
plot”.They will be trying to push peace off the agenda by saying
it is bot a feminist issue. and the connections between individual
and political and economic violence shows that in fact it most
certainly is. Our group will be in a position to insist that the
Forum take a strong stand on peace. and it is urgent that this be
Please let me know your ideas and feedback on this. whet~r you
are willing to do it. and what each of you would be willing to
do and most interested in doing. Ellen and Fasia did a women’s center
in a peace meeting in Prague which was evidently very successful.
and this idea was inspired by that. and Roxanne was the one who
mothered it. (That is. this peace center idea.) Ellen and Fasia will
be doing the music. Anybody can do anything. but it does need to be
well organized and coordinated beforehand. I will be back in
Austin by the first of February. so write to me there. Carmen is
doing a Peace seminar in Chile. which I think she wrote you about.
She may come to Texas in March and perhaps could do some of the
organizing for the peace center. Teresa will be doing the caravan.
Please register for Nairobi soon. I thoubht the deadlihe was
March I but Lori says she talked to the NGO headquarters and they
told her April. Anyway. do it as soon as possible. The address for
the us is 777 UN Plaza. New York. 10017. (as I said. I dont know
——– how to .use -this typewriter .yet) -Ellen has–found a round- trip flight
to Nairobi from Amsterdam for about ~450 and is provisionally
reserving 10 places. Please let her know if you want to use one.I
have written a long letter to the women I met at the conference on
Lake Como. and will send you a copy when I get it typed . .
Lots of love from me personally to each of you. and a
Big Positive Peace Hug
PS. Alma gave me the calligraphed document Mary Ann made. Eliane got
framed and you all signed. I have it hanging above my desk and it
is just beautiful and such a powerful symbol for me. Thank you so much.

About the Document

Genevieve Vaughan
Genevieve Vaughan
Box Number
Gen's Writings
Document Type
Courtesy of the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.