Jordan Pollock
"The Equal Justice Scholarship fundamentally shaped my law school experience. It gave me a significant role in the constantly growing public interest community at Texas Law and provided opportunities for me to meet advocates from across the country. And it has let me move into a career in public service without the burden of substantial financial debt. Moreover, the mentorship and guidance I received as an Equal Justice Scholar enriched my education immeasurably."
Jordan Pollock is the Immigration Specialist for the Dallas County Public Defender’s Office in Dallas, Texas. After graduating from Texas Law, she worked for two years as an Equal Justice Works fellow with Public Counsel in Los Angeles assisting immigrants in detention. Her fellowship was funded by Munger, Tolles and Olson. During law school she volunteered with American Gateways, South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project, and the Equal Justice Center in Austin. She was co-president of the Public Interest Law Association and was a volunteer/student in the Immigration Clinic all six semesters of law school. During her 1L summer, she worked on immigrants’ rights litigation for the American Civil Liberties Union in Los Angeles and during her 2L summer she worked at the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in Seattle.