Previous Lives in the Law Speaker Series Events

  1. Kaufman to speak on “What Tomorrow’s Public Interest Lawyers Can Learn from Civil Rights Litigation After 9/11”
  2. Urena to speak on "The Struggle Over Native American Children and Haaland v Brackeen: Permanent Peace or Temporary Truce?"
  3. Adeola Ogunkeyede, Chief Public Defender of the Travis County Public Defender’s Office, the first to serve in this role, will speak on “Fighting for Justice Through Institution Building: The First Two Years of the Travis County Public Defender’s Office”
  4. Sun will speak on “The Fight for Fair Elections" and reflect on her career as a civil rights lawyer.
  5. Andre Segura, Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, will speak on “Voting Rights in Texas: The 2020 Elections and What’s Ahead”
  6. Founder and Executive Director, Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy, to speak on Climate Justice as Racial Justice
  7. Executive Director, Federal Defenders of San Diego, to speak on Federal Public Defense on the Border
  8. Pollock to deliver address entitled "The Right to Counsel in Eviction Cases: Successes and the Potential in Texas"
  9. Chandy to deliver address entitled “#MeToo, TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund, & The Resistance: Using Litigation to Protect the Rule of Law”
  10. Leveraging Local Policymaking to Protect Texas Immigrants
  11. Advocating for Children in the Texas Foster Care System: Substantive Due Process and the Right to Healthy Childhood Development
  12. Toti, lead counsel in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt speaks on “Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt: A Victory for Women, Science & the Rule of Law”
  13. "Beyond Bathroom Backlash: The Battle for Transgender Equality"
  14. Civil rights attorney Michael Allen will speak on "Dismantling Segregation: Increasing Opportunity Through Fair Housing."
  15. Dale Ho on voter suppression at the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and his life in the law.
  16. Speaker:
    Julia Gordon speaks on stabilizing the housing market and shaping the future of housing finance and her life in the law.
  17. Civil rights attorney Vincent Warren will speak about CCR's New York City stop-and-frisk case.
  18. Gupta will speak about criminal justice reform and the fight to end over-incarceration.
  19. Herndon will speak about her work using legal advocacy, research, and collaboration to improve opportunities for girls and women.
  20. Di Leva will speak about international environmental law, the role of a lawyer at the World Bank, and his work on sustainable development and climate change.