Previous Panel Discussion Events

  1. We are screening the 2023 short film “The Box: 27 Years in Solitary,” which explores the use of solitary confinement in prison. It focuses on the case of Dennis Hope, a man who spent 27 years in solitary confinement in a Texas prison and who took a lawsuit about his situation to the US Supreme Court.
  2. The Visiting Room Project is a digital experience that invites the public to sit face-to-face with people serving life without the possibility of parole and hear them tell their stories.
  3. Patrice Simms, Vice President of Litigation for Healthy Communities at Earthjustice, Co-founder of People over Plastic, and Visiting Professor at Harvard Law, visits Texas Law as the Justice Center's 11th G. Rollie White Public Interest Scholar in Residence.
  4. Please join us for a forum to reflect on this anniversary while recognizing the impacted individuals and organizations who are leading the fight to dismantle the incarceration machine in Austin and throughout Texas.
  5. Join us for an event for new and returning students to explore public interest lawyering and gather with the public interest community at the law school.
  6. A program for Austin-area teens cosponsored with the National Association of Women Judges and the Travis County Women Lawyers Association
  7. Join the Immigration Clinic, Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, and the Justice Center for Public Interest Law for an interdisciplinary panel discussion about strategies for addressing the problems raised by electronic surveillance and monitoring of asylum seekers.
  8. Join us for an event for new and returning students exploring lawyering for social change
  9. A program for Austin-area teens cosponsored with the National Association of Women Judges and the Travis County Women Lawyers Association
  10. A panel discussion about the impact of Governor Abbott's "Operation Lone Star" on individuals and communities along the border as well as the unique partnerships and advocacy strategies challenging the policy's implementation.
  11. A virtual conference on the past, present and future of the Fair Defense Act and public defense in Texas
  12. An event for new and returning students exploring lawyering for social change, including an inspiring keynote, a panel featuring recent graduates and clinical professors, and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys.
  13. A panel of experts discusses changes to immigration policies in the Biden administration, focusing on rebuilding the US Refugee Resettlement Program
  14. A panel of experts discusses changes to immigration policies in the Biden administration, focusing on legislative reform, temporary protections and interior enforcement
  15. A panel of experts discusses changes to immigration policies in the Biden administration, focusing on detention and border policies that exclude asylum seekers
  16. Lunch program and panel discussion honoring Judge William Wayne Justice's centennial and celebrating his legacy through the Justice Center and the Mithoff Pro Bono Program
  17. A program for Austin-area teens cosponsored with the National Association of Women Judges and the Travis County Women Lawyers Association
  18. Join us for a discussion focusing on the summer job search and planning your path through law school. Panel will feature 3Ls with a range of experiences who are headed to public interest careers. Lunch served.
  19. Experienced attorneys describe their compelling special education work and recent developments in the law
  20. Lawyers will discuss civil rights litigation they've brought on behalf of female survivors of sexual assault
  21. A panel discussion on disability law representation, advocacy, and legal strategies with experienced disability law professionals.
  22. The number of formal and informal evictions is rising in Austin, with devastating impacts on renters and their families. Join us for a conversation with housing advocates, tenants, and elected officials to discuss the harsh realities of evictions and what allies can do to support renters facing eviction.
  23. An event for new and returning students exploring lawyering for social change, including an inspiring keynote, a recent alumni panel, and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys.
  24. A program for Austin-area teens cosponsored with the National Association of Women Judges and the Travis County Women Lawyers Association
  25. Featuring scholars and practitioners engaged in reform efforts across the school-to-prison pipeline, the juvenile justice system, and the adult criminal justice system
  26. The Planet Texas 2050 Grand Challenge: Making Texas Resilient for All
  27. UT researchers discuss their report addressing gentrification in Austin neighborhoods
  28. An event for new students exploring lawyering for social change, including an inspiring keynote, a student/alumni panel, and opportunities to connect with like-minded students, faculty, staff and attorneys.
  29. The National Association of Women Judges present the Color of Justice Program. Sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law.
  30. A lunch panel highlighting the role of pro bono counsel in O’Donnell v. Harris County, a successful challenge to a pretrial detention system. Hosted by the Mithoff Pro Bono Program in conjunction with the ABA's National Pro Bono Celebration
  31. Join state and national experts in a discussion on Hurricane Harvey and strategies for rebuilding communities that are more resilient and equitable.
  32. Honoring the start of the U.S. Supreme Court's new term. Reviewing past and present death penalty cases on the Supreme Court's docket.
  33. Victims of natural disasters such as Harvey and Irma have tremendous legal needs. Those needs change over time, during different phases of recovery, and may continue over years. Join several Texas Law faculty members for a discussion of how lawyers and law students can help with disaster response and discovery.
  34. People with mental illness are greatly overrepresented among the millions of individuals cycling through our criminal justice system. Travis County is no exception, with the number of jail inmates with mental illness trending steeply upward over the past ten years. Steps have been taken to address the issue through the Health Justice Learning Collaborative and other efforts, but more is needed.
  35. An educational program for local students initiated by the National Association of Women Judges
  36. G. Rollie White Scholar in Residence Janelle Orsi, Executive Director & Co-Founder of the Sustainable Economies Law Center, will speak and join a panel discussion with local lawyers whose transactional practices promote social justice.
  37. Join us for a lunchtime discussion on the Texas Law Civil Rights Clinic’s new report Preventable Tragedies: How to Reduce Mental Health-Related Deaths in Texas Jails. The Report tells the stories of ten tragic and preventable deaths in Texas jails and offers recommendations to improve diversion and treatment of persons with mental illness and related health needs.
  38. How a low-income, historically black community achieved a multi-million dollar civil rights settlement to mitigate longstanding environmental injustice along Corpus Christi’s industrial ship channel
  39. An event exploring innovative work in New Orleans and elsewhere to reduce barriers and increase housing access for individuals with criminal histories
  40. In honor of the American Bar Association’s National Pro Bono Celebration, the Mithoff Pro Bono Program hosts a panel of pro bono lawyers and activists who played a lead role in Ivy v. Morath
  41. Honoring the start of the U.S. Supreme Court's new term. Reviewing past and present death penalty cases on the Supreme Court's docket.
  42. Justice Center convenes stakeholder conversation on Class C fines and fees, bringing together municipal and justice of the peace judges, state officials, and advocates to discuss current practices in Texas and to identify innovative possibilities for change
  43. Texas Law's Prof. Mechele Dickerson keynotes this event focusing on Texas’ racial wealth gap. Panelists include Ann Baddour, director of Texas Appleseed’s Fair Financial Services Project; Don Baylor, from the Urban Institute; and Roy Lopez, Community Development Officer with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
  44. An educational program for local students initiated by the National Association of Women Judges
  45. An update on recent cases challenging Arizona’s and Georgia’s anti-immigrant statutes and their effects on other state anti-immigrant laws, and the prospects for comprehensive immigration reform.
  46. "Protecting the Elderly in Texas"
  47. Community Development Clinic presentation and panel discussion
  48. Featuring Professors Fishkin, Forbath, Steiker and Torres
  49. A Sundance documentary film about the McDonald’s hot coffee case, Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants, and its aftermath.
  50. Kathryn S. Fuller, ’76, Chair of the Ford Foundation, Former President and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund, Visits Texas Law as the Inaugural G. Rollie White Public Service Scholar-in-Residence, March 8-10