Alexander Jordan Holt

Affiliated Graduate Students

I am a graduate student in the Department of Sociology. My research interests are focused on developing cross-national and cross-generational understandings of collective racial trauma as a factor impacting contemporary culture, identity development, and psychosocial outcomes amongst members of the African diaspora (with a sub-focus on North American and Francophone populations). I also engage in explorations of how racially minoritized communities mobilize different forms of sociality and cultural creativity to challenge conditions of symbolic, political, and social subjugation. This research is heavily influenced by Black Feminist Thought and seeks to develop interdisciplinary understandings of trauma, resistance, and Blackness by engaging with ideas and scholars at the theoretical and methodological intersection of Sociology, Black Studies, Women Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Psychology. I also work cross-disciplinarily with scholars and thinkers in Social Work & Education, and with community activist organizations, to establish methods for practicing caring pedagogy. These projects and collaborations are all done in the interest of deconstructing carceral logics both inside and outside of Academia, while fostering spaces for critical engagement between students, instructors, and the community. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with minors in French and American Ethnic Studies from Wake Forest University in 2020.