Daniel Woodward

Human Rights Scholar (2021-2022); WPS Editorial Committee
Human Rights Scholars WPS Editorial Committee

Danny Woodward (J.D. expected 2023) interned in the Litigation Program at RAICES during the summer of 2021. Before law school, Danny spent three years working with refugees, asylees, and other immigrants at a small non-profit in Massachusetts. In this position, he provided resettlement services and translation to Syrian refugees, helped asylees access social services, and  ran a naturalization program. In his first year at Texas Law, Danny worked on a variety of pro bono projects including the Parole Project, the Pro Se Asylum Clinic, and the Gender Affirmation Project. Danny has an M.A. in Arabic Studies from the American University in Cairo and B.A. in History from the University of Vermont. He hopes to pursue a career in  public interest immigration law after law school.