Edward Shore
Edward Shore is a historian and human rights activist from Phoenix, Arizona. He joins the Rapoport Center as a Postdoctoral Fellow, working primarily on the Center’s project on inequality, human rights, and the future of work. His current research explores the longstanding struggles of the black peasantry over land, natural resources, and autonomy in Brazil. Prior to joining the Rapoport Center, Edward was a CLIR Postdoctoral Fellow for Data Curation in Latin American Studies, where he established a partnership between the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin and the Articulation and Advisory Team to Rural Black Communities of the Vale do Ribeira (EAACONE), a São Paulo-based NGO that defends the rights of Afro-Brazilian settlements descended from escaped slaves known in Portuguese as quilombos. Since 2015, he has coordinated a project to create a digital repository of historical documentation concerning quilombos, working with their members to curate their own community-based archives and strengthen their legal claims to land and resources in the Atlantic Forest. He has published work in the Afro-Hispanic Review, Portal Magazine, and the forthcoming edited volume, Maroonage/Marronage (Univ. of Miss. Press 2019), while writing extensively about digital and public history for Not Even Past. Edward earned his Ph.D. in Latin American history at the University of Texas at Austin in 2018, where he received funding for his research from the Mellon Foundation, ACLS, Reed Foundation, and Tinker Foundation.