Ibrahima Guissé

Event Speakers

Dr. Ibrahima Guissé is member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), he is currently the Rapporteur of the CERD-CMW joint General recommandation / Comment on adressing and eradicating xeneophobia and its impact on the rights of migrants, their families and other non-nationals (or perceived as such) affected by racial and all intersecting grounds of discrimination.

Ibrahima Guissé holds a PhD in economic and social sciences in Sociology from the University of Geneva and graduated in Sociology and Political science from the Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

Associate Researcher at the Institute of Sociological Research (IRS) of the University of Geneva, his research activities covers a wide set of thematic fields including migration and human rights ; systemic racism ; diverstiy and inclusion ; sustainable development. Guissé combines a broad and varied experience in research and teaching as well as in providing advisory services to multiple stakeholders on a wide range of issues related to mixed migration, majority / minority group relations, social and economic transformative process in the Global South, the narrative dominant and its impact.

Dr. Guissé is the founder in 2004 of the Office of the Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDH0) in Geneva. He is also co- founder of the Think-Tank Centre de recherche et d'action pour les droits économiques sociaux et culturels (CRADESC), based in Dakar, Senegal.  CRADESC is one of the key organizing partners of the African Regional Consultation scheduled for November 5 and 6 in Dakar.

Ibrahima Guissé is the author of a series of publications addressing issues of migration, systemic racism and the blind spots of public policies

His latest publication (September 2024) co-authored with Myrlande Pierre is entitled “  Transnationalisme et qualification : les effets du racisme et de la discrimination structurels sur les parcours de migrants issus de groupes racisés en Suisse, au Canada et au Québec | Cairn.info

Contact Ibrahima.guisse@unige.ch; Ibrahima.guisse@gmail.com