Johnathan Gooch

Chagos Refugee Group (2019)
Summer Human Rights Fellows Alumni

Johnathan Gooch (B.A. 2014, St. John’s College; J.D. expected 2020) will intern this summer with the Chagos Refugee Group in Port Louis, Mauritius, pursuing a right of return for the Chagossians. After high school, Johnathan participated in a student exchange program with the Lions Club in Beersheba, Israel. At 17, he recorded and released an album of original songs and was nominated for the L.A. Music Awards in 2007. Since then, Johnathan’s music has become private, and his passion for global justice public. He spent his undergraduate career delving into the great books of the Western canon at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland. There, he engaged with pivotal texts across all fields from Philosophy to Quantum Physics. After St. John’s, he returned to Texas to pursue his Juris Doctorate at Texas Law. Following his 1L year, Johnathan worked at the Texas Supreme Court in the chambers of Justice Boyd. At Texas Law, he received the Dean’s Achievement Award for Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law and currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Texas International Law Journal.