Sarah Eleazar Sadiq

Anthropology; Graduate Summer Fellow (2020); Summer Fieldwork Grantee (2019)
Graduate Fellows Affiliated Graduate Students WPS Editorial Committee Summer Fieldwork Grantees Alumni

Sarah Eleazar is a graduate student in the Department of Anthropology in the sociocultural subfield. Her research focuses on questions of political ecology, toxicity, environmental inequalities, and labor. She examines the social life of industrial pollutants, collective experiences of dealing with toxicity and their politicization in struggles for environmental justice in two villages in Punjab, Pakistan. With a background in journalism and activism, Sarah has closely followed the impacts of privatization and unbundling of state-owned enterprises on labor rights, unions, and movements in Pakistan. Following various regimes of austerity and cutbacks in social spending, she examines the impacts of these policies on struggles for access to safe drinking water and environmental justice.