The Role of Law in the Production of Inequality: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives

  • Susan S. and William H. Hindle Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University
  • Winthrop Professor of History & Professor of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, the Institute for Global Law & Policy at Harvard Law School, and the Program on the Corporation, Law and Global Society at Northeastern University School of Law are pleased to announce an event featuring James Ferguson (Stanford University) and Walter Johnson (Harvard University). Each will give talks (titles provided below), followed by scholarly commentary and a conversation with the audience. A reception will follow. Please save the date and register below.

Rightful Shares and the Claims of Presence: Distributive Politics beyond Labor and Citizenship
James Ferguson

“No Rights Which the White Man is Bound to Respect”: The Removalist Strain in American Anti-Blackness
Walter Johnson

For more information, visit


  • Sharmila Rudrappa Professor of Sociology
  • Lucie E. White Louis A. Horvitz Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
  • Vasuki Nesiah Associate Professor of Practice, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University
  • Shirley E. Thompson Associate Professor of American Studies and of African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin


Organized by the Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, the Institute for Global Law & Policy at Harvard Law School, and the Program on the Corporation, Law and Global Society at Northeastern University School of Law

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Event series: Annual Conference