COVID-19 and Social Justice: Writings by our Affiliates

Our affiliates have been busy writing on COVID-19 and social justice issues. Take a look below at our growing list of resources and articles.

For a comprehensive (but certainly not exhaustive) list of other recent human rights publications by our faculty affiliates, please visit our Faculty Affiliates Publications page.

James K. Galbraith

Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations & Professor of Government (Faculty Affiliate Profile)


Radio and Podcasts:

LBJ in the Arena:

Moscow School of Economics Seminar:

Italian media:

France Culture:

Jacobin Radio with Suzi Weissman:

Rumble with Michael Moore:

To the Point:

Background Briefing:

A Public Affair:

Octavio N. Martinez, Jr.

Senior Associate Vice President, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement; Executive Director, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health; Clinical Professor, Steve Hicks School of Social Work; Professor of Psychiatry, Dell Medical School (Faculty Affiliate Profile)

Martinez, Octavio N. Jr. “Behavioral Health Equity in the Time of COVID-19.” Grantmakers in Health (GIH), April 17, 2020.

Martinez, Octavio N. Jr. “Elder Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19.” Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA), April 23, 2020.

Snehal Patel

Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Dell Medical School (Faculty Affiliate Profile)

McClure, Elizabeth S., Pavithra Vasudevan, Zinzi Bailey, Snehal Patel, and Whitney R. Robinson, “Racial Capitalism within Public Health: How Occupational Settings Drive COVID-19 Disparities,” American Journal of Epidemiology, kwaa126.

Álvaro Restrepo

Founder and Director, El Colegio del Cuerpo (The School of the Body) (Advisory Board Member Profile)

¿Distanciamiento social?: *¡*Auschwitz!*” El Espectador, May 23, 2020.

Solitud y pobreza,” May 21, 2020.

Los nuevos derechos humanos.” El Espectador, May 15, 2020.

Una reflexión acerca del cuerpo y el tiempo.” El Tiempo. May 13, 2020.

El hospital de Mar-a-Lago.” El Espectador, May 4, 2020.

“Trapos Rojos: ¡Alerta! ¡Alerta! ¡Alerta!” El Espectador, April 30, 2020.

Corona Mundi: La Cultura de la Salud / la Salud de la Cultura.” El Tiempo, April 28, 2020.

“HEALTH / WEALTH: ser o no ser.” El Espectador, April 20, 2020.

“WEALTH / HEALTH: to be or not to be” [English translation]

El cuerpo (y la danza) en la era del Coronavirus: Desde Colombia.Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America (April 2020).

Body and Dance in the Era of Coronavirus: A View from Colombia.” [English translation]

Sandro Sessarego

Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese (Faculty Affiliate Profile)

Sessarego, S. “Coronavirus, la musica è cambiata anche negli Usa.” Il Fatto Quotidiano. Blog. April 18, 2020.

Stephen M. Sonnenberg, M.D.

Professor of Instruction, Steve Hicks School of Social Work & School of Undergraduate Studies; Professor of Psychiatry, Dell Medical School; Director, Humanities, Health Care, and Advocacy Track & Fellow of the Frank M. and Dorothy H. Conklin Endowment for Medical Ethics, Plan II Honors Program in the College of Liberal Arts (Faculty Affiliate Profile)

Sonnenberg, Stephen M. “Mental Health in a Pandemic.” Interview with Dr. Jeremi Suri. This is Democracy (podcast), April 23, 2020.

Pavithra Vasudevan

Assistant Professor, Department of African & African Diaspora Studies; Center for Women’s & Gender Studies (Faculty Affiliate Profile)

McClure, Elizabeth S., Pavithra Vasudevan, Zinzi Bailey, Snehal Patel, and Whitney R. Robinson, “Racial Capitalism within Public Health: How Occupational Settings Drive COVID-19 Disparities,” American Journal of Epidemiology, kwaa126.

White, Rachel. “Rebooting Our Lives After COVID-19.” Life & Letters. May 7, 2020.

This piece features an extensive interview with Professor Vasudevan.