International Court & Tribunal Internships
The Rapoport Center facilitates judicial internship placements for Texas Law students with international courts and tribunals. To date, more than fifty Texas Law students have taken advantage of these extraordinary experiential opportunities.
Internships run from three to six months, either during the summer or during the semester. Students participating in summer internships are eligible for a stipend. Students participating in semester-length internships are eligible for a stipend or academic credit.
Placement options include:
The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT)
Arusha, Tanzania & The Hague, Netherlands
The MICT was established by the United Nations Security Council in December 2010 to carry out a number of essential functions of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), after the completion of their respective mandates. The establishment of the IRMCT is a key step of the Completion Strategies of the two Tribunals. It is a new small, temporary and efficient body, tasked with continuing the “jurisdiction, rights and obligations and essential functions” of the ICTR and the ICTY, and maintaining the legacy of both institutions.
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
San José, Costa Rica
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights was established by the OAS in 1979 to hear claims against member states arising under the American Convention on Human Rights, other human rights treaties, and customary international law. Students will work with one of the Court's staff attorneys conducting research and drafting opinions for the cases before the Court. Applicants must have completed their third semester of law school and have a strong background in international and/or human rights law. Applicants must be fluent in Spanish (written and oral) and must be able to conduct legal research in Spanish.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)
Washington, D.C.
The IACHR was created in 1959 through the Inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights within OAS member countries. The IACHR intern will have the unique opportunity to be supervised by an experienced attorney at the Commission. The internship is open to qualified second and third year students as well as recent graduates. Students must have a strong background in international and/or human rights law. Knowledge of Spanish (both written and oral) is strongly recommended.
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The ECCC is a national court established pursuant to an agreement between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the United Nations. The court was created in order try senior members of the Khmer Rouge or serious violations of Cambodian penal law, international humanitarian law and custom, and violation of international conventions recognized by Cambodia, committed during the period between 17 April 1975 and 6 January 1979. Students will work on a range of issues related to the prosecution of four senior Khmer Rouge leaders who are currently on trial. The internship is open to qualified second and third year students as well as recent graduates. Students must have a strong background in international and/or criminal law.
In addition to the placements above, we are also exploring internship options with the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, the International Criminal Court, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
If you are interested in any of these options, please contact Nina Ebner or Ariel Dulitzky at your earliest convenience.
“My work in Cambodia, made possible by the Rapoport Center, is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve absorbed a tremendous amount about case management, trial skills, and international criminal law by working closely with expert attorneys. Being part of such a historically significant trial in the place where the crimes occurred is an experience that I will continue to carry with me.” - Catherine Wagner, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, 2013
Application Information
Deadline: November 12, 2021
Qualified students should submit the following materials in PDF format through our online application system.
Cover letter
Describe your interest in the internship and any relevant academic and/or practical experience; indicate whether you would prefer academic credit or a stipend, and whether you would prefer a summer or semester internship; if applying for more than one placement, please list your internship preferences in rank order
Indicate language ability, if applicable
Law school transcript
Unofficial is fine; should include current courses even if grades are not yet available
List of three references
At least two must be regular Texas Law faculty
Writing sample
8-10 pages; preferably legal writing
A faculty committee will review applications and determine which students it will nominate for each placement. Selected students would then complete the formal application process through the appropriate institution. Please note that final decisions on internships are made by the host tribunal/institution, and not by the Rapoport Center or Texas Law.
Please only apply for those internships you are willing to accept. Agreeing to serve as an intern through this program is a serious commitment to the host tribunal/institution, to the Rapoport Center, and to Texas Law. We expect students who are nominated to participate and fulfill all of the requirements of their internships.