Virtual Book Talk: Prosecuting Poverty, Criminalizing Care

Professor Wendy A. Bach of the University of Tennessee College of Law discussed her new book, Prosecuting Poverty, Criminalizing Care, which focuses on Tennessee’s fetal assault law as an example of the criminalization of care in poor communities. Professor Aziza Ahmed of Boston University School of Law responded, and Rapoport Center co-director Professor Karen Engle moderated.

Wendy Bach has dedicated her career to representing children and families in poor communities in a variety of legal settings. Her scholarship focuses on the interaction between systems of support and care and systems of punishment in poor communities.

Aziza Ahmed’s scholarship examines the intersection of law, politics, and science in the fields of constitutional, criminal, health, and family law.

Purchase Professor Bach’s book here.


Sissy Farenthold Fund for Peace and Social Justice

Event series: Sissy Farenthold Reproductive Justice Defense Project, Sissy Farenthold Fund for Peace and Social Justice, Book talk