Class Notes

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Class of 2015

Connor D. Best

Class of

Connor Best has joined Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr in Austin under the litigation practice group. Prior to joining Munsch Hardt, Connor served as a clerk under Justice Jeffrey S. Boyd of the Supreme Court of Texas. During his clerkship, Connor researched and drafted study memos on issues briefed for the court, drafted orders, and contributed to opinions published by the Court. In addition, Connor interned for Justice Eva Guzman of the Supreme Court of Texas, the Honorable Lee Yeakel of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, and the Office of the Solicitor General of Texas where he researched and drafted memoranda on tax law, federal habeas corpus law, arbitration and insurance law.

Visit Connor Best's Firm Profile (External link)

Allison Cunningham headshot

Allison Cunningham

Class of

Chief Judge Carl E. Stewart of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals presented the new Barbara Jordan American Inn of Court with its Charter at the Federal Courthouse in Austin on April 14. Accepting the Charter from Chief Judge Stewart were Frank A. King (BA ’78, JD ’95), Assistant Attorney General, co-founder and President of the Barbara Jordan Inn of Court; Presiding Judge of the Austin Municipal Court Sherry Statman, President-elect of the Jordan Inn of Court; Treasurer and co-founder, JoAnn Dalrymple (BA ’91, JD ’94)(in absentia); Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff Boyd, Counselor of Jordan Inn of Court; and Administrator, Allison Cunningham (BA ‘11, JD ‘15).

Sarah Scott

Class of

Sarah Scott was just hired by Coats Rose, P.C. as an Associate in the Affordable Housing practice group in the Austin office.


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