Colloquium on Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics

This Colloquium is sponsored by the Constitutional Studies Program. It features scholars whose work interrogates, stretches, and reimagines the boundaries in the study of constitutionalism. Their thinking is informed by various perspectives and methodologies, including comparative, doctrinal, empirical, historical, and theoretical. Papers presented in this Colloquium focus on the major concerns of our time in relation to constitutional democracy, the separation of powers, and the rule of law. Faculty and students across the University are invited to attend. This Colloquium is one of many initiatives organized in partnership with the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism.

Upcoming Events

Colloquium on Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics

Monday March 10, 2025
3:45pm - 5:45pm
JON 6.207 Susman Academic Center, The Judge William W. and Margaret R. Kilgarlin Chambers (6.207 / 6.208)

Emily Zackin, Department of Political Science, The Johns Hopkins University Paper Title: “City Charters and the Constitutional Problems of Expertise”