Law and Economics Workshop

The Law and Economics Workshop Series serves as an important focal point at the University of Texas for research on the economic analysis of law and business. The workshop generally involves presentations by guests from outside the University community. Students can take the workshop as a course, which focuses on their presentation of written critiques of each of the papers presented in the workshop series.

Located in JON 6.207, Mondays at 3:55pm

Fall 2024 Guests

September 16th: Andy Ye Yuan - Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

September 23rd: Scott Baker - Professor of Law, Washington University in St. Louis

October 7th: Tom Zur - S.J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School

October 14th: Tamar Kricheli-Katz - Associate Professor of Law, Tel-Aviv University

October 28th: Andrew Hayashi - Law Professor, University of Virginia School of Law

November 4th: Sadia Farzana - Postdoctoral Scholar, Northwestern University's Kellog School of Management

November 18th: Adi Leibovitch - Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Law and Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality

December 2nd: Joshua Teitelbaum - David Belding Professor of Law and Professor of Economics, Georgetown University

December 9th: Talia Gilis - Associate Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming colloquia, lecture or conference events scheduled at this time.