Course Schedule
Classes Found
Legal Writing, Adv
- MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI 10:30 am – 12:05 pm
Course Information
- Course ID:
- F232D
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Satisfies ABA Professional Skills Requirement
Taught as a web-based course. Meets June 4 - 30.
This course is a broad survey of three main types of legal writing: objective analysis, persuasive analysis, and transactional drafting. The course will also cover many other topics crucial to high-level professional writing: use of forms, advanced legal citation, the plain English movement, advanced grammar and punctuation, document design, legal usage, and editing. Students will receive individual critiques of their writing, and lectures will use model answers and sample critiques.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Analysis and Process
- WED 9:50 – 11:40 am TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284U
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
- Will use floating mean GPA if applicable
Advanced Legal Writing: Analysis and Process covers legal analysis, organization, clarity of expression, and writing mechanics, as well as managing research-and-writing projects. A key focus is on producing professional written work on the job.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Analysis and Process
- MON, WED 1:05 – 1:55 pm TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 296W
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
- Will use floating mean GPA if applicable
Advanced Legal Writing: Analysis and Process covers legal analysis, organization, clarity of expression, and writing mechanics, as well as managing research-and-writing projects. A key focus is on producing professional written work on the job.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Analysis and Process
- MON, WED 1:05 – 1:55 pm TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 296W
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
- Will use floating mean GPA if applicable
Advanced Legal Writing: Analysis and Process covers legal analysis, organization, clarity of expression, and writing mechanics, as well as managing research-and-writing projects. A key focus is on producing professional written work on the job.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Appeals
- WED 9:30 – 11:40 am JON 6.206
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Appeals offers instruction in advanced written advocacy techniques tailored to the appellate context. The course will build on the foundations established in Persuasive Writing & Advocacy, honing students' brief-writing skills while familiarizing them with each step in the appellate process. Lectures and readings will address common challenges and errors in appellate advocacy, and a series of short exercises will help students put into practice the strategies discussed in class. Students will learn, among other skills, how to synthesize complex facts into clear, persuasive prose; how to precisely and strategically frame issues on appeal; how to analogize and distinguish case law; and how to structure a brief for maximal clarity and strength. The course also includes a research component with particular focus on common issues in appellate practice, such as standards of review, hierarchy among courts, and doctrines of deference and abstention. Individualized feedback will be provided for each assignment, enabling students to confidently construct the full-length brief that will comprise their final grade.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Appeals
- MON 9:50 – 11:40 am CCJ 3.306
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Appeals offers instruction in advanced written advocacy techniques tailored to the appellate context. The course will build on the foundations established in Persuasive Writing & Advocacy, honing students' brief-writing skills while familiarizing them with each step in the appellate process. Lectures and readings will address common challenges and errors in appellate advocacy, and a series of short exercises will help students put into practice the strategies discussed in class. Students will learn, among other skills, how to synthesize complex facts into clear, persuasive prose; how to precisely and strategically frame issues on appeal; how to analogize and distinguish case law; and how to structure a brief for maximal clarity and strength. The course also includes a research component with particular focus on common issues in appellate practice, such as standards of review, hierarchy among courts, and doctrines of deference and abstention. Individualized feedback will be provided for each assignment, enabling students to confidently construct the full-length brief that will comprise their final grade.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Appeals
- WED 10:30 am – 12:20 pm CCJ 3.306
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Appeals offers instruction in advanced written advocacy techniques tailored to the appellate context. The course will build on the foundations established in Persuasive Writing & Advocacy, honing students' brief-writing skills while familiarizing them with each step in the appellate process. Lectures and readings will address common challenges and errors in appellate advocacy, and a series of short exercises will help students put into practice the strategies discussed in class. Students will learn, among other skills, how to synthesize complex facts into clear, persuasive prose; how to precisely and strategically frame issues on appeal; how to analogize and distinguish case law; and how to structure a brief for maximal clarity and strength. The course also includes a research component with particular focus on common issues in appellate practice, such as standards of review, hierarchy among courts, and doctrines of deference and abstention. Individualized feedback will be provided for each assignment, enabling students to confidently construct the full-length brief that will comprise their final grade.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Immigration
- WED 3:55 – 5:45 pm TNH 3.125
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-1
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Taught by Lulú Ortiz.
In this course, students will practice distilling immigration arguments into the persuasive and pleasant-to-read prose necessary for successful advocacy. Documents to be produced, edited, and/or studied may include client declarations, legal memos, trial and appellate briefs, and others. Students will learn to draft for the various audiences an immigration practitioner will encounter, including clients, agency officials, trial and appellate judges, non-immigration lawyers, and the public. Through peer-editing, students will become more empathetic writers and more skilled self-editors.
This 2-credit class meets once each week. There is no midterm or final exam. It will be graded Pass/Fail.
- TUE 6:25 – 8:15 pm TNH 3.125
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 232D
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Satisfies ABA Professional Skills Requirement
The 27530 section of this course will be taught in person but with the option of occasional remote participation via Zoom. If students require all remote participation, they must register for the 27531 section of this course, which is identical but web-based.
In this course, students will practice distilling immigration arguments into the persuasive and pleasant-to-read prose necessary for successful advocacy. Documents to be produced, edited, and/or studied may include client declarations, legal memos, trial and appellate briefs, and others. Students will learn to draft for the various audiences an immigration practitioner will encounter, including clients, agency officials, trial and appellate judges, non-immigration lawyers, and the public. Through peer-editing, students will become more empathetic writers and more skilled self-editors.
This 2-credit class meets once each week. There is no midterm or final exam. It will be graded Pass/Fail.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- TUE 5:55 – 7:45 pm JON 5.206
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
There is more to legal writing than the appellate brief. Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation introduces the types of documents used in civil litigation, such as the complaint and answer, discovery requests and objections, and jury instructions. All students will be required to write several litigation documents, evaluate documents written by others, and lead class discussions.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- WED 5:55 – 7:45 pm JON 5.257
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
Through lecture, discussion, legal writing assignments, and workshopping, this course will help students develop the legal writing skills necessary for successful litigation practice. Students will draft litigation documents and participate in exercises meant to simulate actual legal practice. We will also engage in creative writing activities to improve basic writing skills.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- TUE 5:55 – 7:45 pm JON 5.206
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
There is more to legal writing than the appellate brief. Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation introduces the types of documents used in civil litigation, such as the complaint and answer, discovery requests and objections, and jury instructions. All students will be required to write several litigation documents, evaluate documents written by others, and lead class discussions.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- MON, WED 10:30 – 11:20 am TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and critique documents drafted by others. Students will also make presentations and engage in in-class discussions and exercises. Attendance is required.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- THU 9:50 – 11:40 am TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and will critique documents drafted by others.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- MON, WED 10:30 – 11:20 am TNH 3.126
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and critique documents drafted by others. Students will also make presentations and engage in in-class discussions and exercises. Attendance is required.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- TUE 6:30 – 8:20 pm JON 5.206
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
There is more to legal writing than the appellate brief. Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation introduces the types of documents used in civil litigation, such as the complaint and answer, discovery requests and objections, and jury instructions. All students will be required to write several litigation documents, evaluate documents written by others, and lead class discussions.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- WED 5:45 – 7:35 pm JON 5.257
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
Through lecture, discussion, legal writing assignments, and workshopping, this course will help students develop the legal writing skills necessary for successful litigation practice. Students will draft litigation documents and participate in exercises meant to simulate actual legal practice. We will also engage in creative writing activities to improve basic writing skills.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- THU 10:30 am – 12:20 pm JON 6.207
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and will critique documents drafted by others.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- J. Jasper
- FRI 10:30 am – 12:20 pm TNH 3.127
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and critique documents drafted by others.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- TUE 6:30 – 8:20 pm TNH 3.127
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Same as LAW 232D, Topic 2: Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation.
There is more to legal writing than the appellate brief. Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation introduces the types of documents used in civil litigation, such as the complaint and answer, discovery requests and objections, and jury instructions. All students will be required to write several litigation documents, evaluate documents written by others, and lead class discussions.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- THU 10:30 am – 12:20 pm TNH 2.124
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Same as LAW 232D, Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation.
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and will critique documents drafted by others.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- J. Jasper
- FRI 10:30 am – 12:20 pm TNH 3.124
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 284W-2
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Same as LAW 232D, Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation.
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and critique documents drafted by others.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- WED 5:00 – 7:00 pm ONLINE
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 232D
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Prof. keeps own waitlist
- Satisfies ABA Professional Skills Requirement
This course will be taught entirely online via Zoom.
Through lecture, discussion, legal writing assignments, and workshopping, this course will help students develop the legal writing skills necessary for successful litigation practice. Students will draft litigation documents and participate in exercises meant to simulate actual legal practice. We will also engage in creative writing activities to improve basic writing skills.
Legal Writing, Advanced: Litigation
- TUE 6:25 – 8:23 pm ONLINE
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 232D
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Satisfies ABA Professional Skills Requirement
This course will be taught entirely online via Zoom.
There is more to legal writing than the appellate brief. Legal Writing, Adv: Litigation introduces the types of documents used in civil litigation, such as the complaint and answer, discovery requests and objections, and jury instructions. All students will be required to write several litigation documents, evaluate documents written by others, and lead class discussions.
- J. Jasper
- FRI 10:35 am – 12:25 pm TNH 3.142
Course Information
- Course ID:
- 232D
- Experiential learning credit:
- 2 hours
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
- Satisfies ABA Professional Skills Requirement
The 27540 section of this course will be taught in person but with the option of occasional remote participation via Zoom. If students require all remote participation, they must register for the 27542 section of this course, which is identical but web-based.
Advanced Legal Writing: Litigation is a two-credit, pass-fail course. The course covers documents typically drafted during litigation, including pleadings, discovery requests, motions, and letters. Students will draft a variety of litigation documents and critique documents drafted by others.