SMNR: Modern Law Firm in Global Economy
- Semester: Spring 2009
- Course ID: 397S
- Credit Hours: 3
Unique: 28855
Course Information
- Course Type: Seminar
Registration Information
- Upperclass-only elective
Meeting Times
Day | Time | Location |
MON | 3:30 - 5:20 pm | TNH 3.127 |
Evaluation Method
Type | Date | Time | Location |
Paper |
This seminar will focus on contemporary professional issues confronting lawyers and law firms as the practice of law has become national and international. Some of the issues to be discussed in the seminar include: - the changing structure of the modern law firm - multijurisdictional practice of law - differences between U.S. and European Community ethics rules - international conflict of interest issues - outsourcing of legal services - issues confronting U.S. lawyers who practice in the European Union and Latin America - the impact of Shari'a law in international practice - defining who is the "client" - ethical limitations on investing in a client's business - the role of a lawyer when confronted with client fraud, including developments generated by the Arthur Andersen case, the Enron transactions and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act - lawyer exposure for civil liability and violation of criminal laws? - an associate's duties when confronted with professional ethics issues? The seminar will discuss case studies based upon actual transactions and malpractice lawsuits against lawyers and related materials dealing with the domestic and international practice of law. Although the seminar will focus primarily on issues involving business transactions, it will also cover issues relevant to litigators. Students will write a publishable quality term research paper of 25-30 pages on a topic of their choice related to issues covered in the seminar. Students will be expected to meet deadlines for a topic description, outline, rough draft, and final draft. Students will make an oral presentation of their research paper.Instructors