SMNR: Solving Environmental Problems

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
WED 3:45 - 5:35 pm JON 6.206

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Solving Environmental Problems: Putting Theory into Practice Spring 2013 Professors Jeremy Brown and Wendy Wagner This course will explore important limitations of environmental regulatory programs, with an emphasis on devising and implementing creative solutions that address gaps in both regulatory oversight and enforcement. Half of the course will be dedicated to studying administrative theory and process in general and then key aspects of the major federal and state programs that have led to significant gaps in regulatory oversight and enforcement. The other half of the course will be spent on solving problems through regulation, markets, media, and common law. Throughout the semester, course participants will develop creative approaches to several pre-identified problems. These problems may include: the lack of workplace standards for toxic substances (OSHA); insufficient regulation of toxic products (EPA and CPSC); limited recourse for environmental justice grievances; and the failure of agencies to exercise their full oversight mandates when issuing administrative permits and approvals. These projects will make practical contributions to environmental regulation by providing needed innovative ideas for struggling agency staff and by prodding agencies and stakeholders through comments, petitions, best practices and other mechanisms. To assist, guest speakers from agencies and stakeholders will periodically lecture and collaborate with students. By the end of the semester, students, working individually or in groups, will be expected to have achieved concrete results -- short of litigation -- that have the potential to improve environmental oversight or enforcement. Course grades will be based on: (1) contributions to practical projects and (2) participation in weekly discussions, including presentations of projects and critiques of peer projects. PREREQUISITE: A course in environmental or administrative law, taken either prior to or simultaneous with the seminar, is required for JD students. Exceptions may be granted in special cases. NOTE: Students who have taken "Solving Toxic Problems" may NOT take this seminar ("Solving Environmental Problems"). Even though there will be some significant differences, both seminars may not be taken for credit.