SMNR: Endangered Species Act & Climate Change

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
MON, TUE, WED 12:45 - 2:25 pm TNH 3.127

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


Endangered Species Act and Climate Change F397S M-W 12:45-2:25; June 10 – July 10, 2013 Instructor: Melinda Taylor This seminar will explore the key legal issues associated with implementation of the federal Endangered Species Act and the challenges associated with addressing the threats to biodiversity that are posed by climate change. During the first three weeks, seminar participants will read and discuss articles and excerpts from books about the Endangered Species Act, biodiversity protection, and climate change. After an introductory session on the structure of the Endangered Species Act, the seminar will focus on: (1) the importance of the Endangered Species Act in preventing species extinctions and the Act’s track record; (2) the responsibilities of federal agencies and non-federal actors to avoid harm to endangered species and promote species’ recovery; (3) conflicts between water management and endangered species protection; (4) incentives for private landowners to protect rare species; (5) the challenges of enforcing the Act; and (5) legal approaches to address climate change within the context of the Endangered Species Act. During the remainder of the summer session, seminar participants will present seminar papers on a wide variety of topics related to endangered species protection and climate change. Participants may draw paper topics from a range of subject matter areas, including the federal regulatory framework, scientific reports on global warming, and information about international efforts to protect rare species and combat climate change.