Legal Research and Writing for Foreign Lawyers

Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
MON, WED 11:50 am - 1:00 pm TNH 2.123

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


This course will introduce foreign lawyers to the case-law method, the basic tools for conducting legal research, and the basic conventions and expectations for creating professional legal work product. Research and writing assignments will build on each other, culminating in a full-length, formal analytical memorandum that could potentially serve as a professional writing sample. The course will assist non-native English speakers with the critical-thinking and writing skills that are foundational to American academic endeavors as well as law practice. Graded pass/fail. Restricted to LLM students who do not have a JD degree. Enrollment is optional, not required.

Textbooks ( * denotes required )

Basic Legal Research *
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business , edition: 5th
ISBN: 9781454808473
A Lawyer Writes: A Practical Guide to Legal Analysis *
Coughlin, Rocklin & Patrick
Carolina Academic , edition: 2nd
ISBN: 9781611633979
Manual on Usage & Style *
Texas Law Review
Texas Law Review , edition: 12th
ISBN: 1878674-08-0
The Bluebook *
Harvard Law Review Assn
Harvard Law Review Assn , edition: 19th
ISBN: 9780615361161


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