Legal Research & Legal Writing

Course Information

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Meeting Times

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TUE, THU 1:00 - 2:07 pm TNH 2.124

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The basics of legal research using print and electronic sources. Focuses on writing legal analysis, researching and writing a traditional legal memorandum, and making oral presentations.

Textbooks ( * denotes required )

The Greenbook: Texas Rules of Form *
Texas Law Rev.
Tex. Law Rev. Ass'n , edition: latest
A Lawyer Writes *
Coughlin, Rocklin, & Patrick
Carolina Acad. Press , edition: 2d
The Bluebook *
Columbia Law Rev. and others
Columbia Law Rev. Ass'n , edition: lastest
Manual on Usage and Style (optional)
Texas L. Rev.
TLR Ass'n , edition: latest
The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style (optional)
Bryan Garner
West , edition: latest
ISBN: 978-0-314-28901-8
Researching the Law *
Amy E. Sloan
Walters Kluwer , edition: 1st
ISBN: 978-1-454-842514


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