
Course Information

Registration Information

Meeting Times

Day Time Location
TUE 2:40 - 4:55 pm ONLINE
THU 2:40 - 4:20 pm ONLINE

Evaluation Method

Type Date Time Location


This course is taught entirely online via Zoom.

This course teaches the principles and art of negotiation. The course consists of both lectures (classroom presentations) and interactive role-playing, exercises that will be performed in small groups in which students are given the opportunity to act in a variety of roles, including the role of counsel and principal.

Negotiation is the pathway to agreement. Much of what lawyers do involves negotiation -- the structured process of communicating toward an agreement. This is an "audience participation," experiential learning course that blends law, social science, and ethics toward the development of practice skills. Topics covered may include both transaction and legal claim negotiations.

Students will learn to prepare for and conduct negotiations both from within the context of distributive negotiation and cooperative bargaining, and both two-party and multi-party transactions.

Additional materials and assignments will be distributed from time-to-time during class or on Canvas. Students also may be asked to do independent research to elaborate on important/interesting topics.

Textbooks ( * denotes required )

Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In *
Fisher, Roger, Ury, William, Patton, Bruce, Ury, William L.
Penguin Publishing Group , edition: 3
ISBN: 978-0-14-311875-6
Principles of Negotiation : Strategies, Tactics, Techniques to Reach Agreements *
Guasco, Matthew P., Robinson, Peter R.
Entrepreneur Media Inc/Entrepreneur Press
ISBN: 978-1-59918-138-7


Headshot of Van Ginkel, Eric Van Ginkel, Eric
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Important Class Changes

Date Updated
02/03/2021 Meeting times changed
Instructor(s) updated